If you're wondering if Pixar could have possibly outdone themselves after Toy Story 3, I've got your answer. Here's a spoiler-free Toy Story 4 review with all you need to know.
It's hard to describe what the Toy Story franchise means to me. Toy Story was the first Disney | Pixar movie that we showed our son when he was just a few years old. He instantly fell in love with the characters, especially Woody and carried the doll with him everywhere. For his second Halloween, he wanted a Woody costume. He hit the streets in little cowboy boots and tipped his hat whenever anyone gave him a piece of candy. Over the years, he got to see his favorite characters again and again in Toy Story 2 and Toy Story 3. I'm sure we've seen each movie at least 100 times. And, once his little sister was finally able to trick-or-treat for the first time, he insisted that he should be Woody (again) and she should be Jessie (be sure to check out her Toy Story Jessie costume to make your own and our Toy Story family costumes!).
After seeing Toy Story 3 and having my heart broken in the best way possible, I felt confident that Pixar had delivered the perfect ending to a perfect trilogy. So, when I heard Toy Story 4 was coming out, I was a little nervous. Could this movie possibly live up to expectations? Why add another movie to a seemingly perfect buttoned-up storyline?
After seeing the movie last week at a special screening at Disney's Hollywood Studios and Toy Story Land, I don't know why I was ever worried. It's not like Pixar to make a movie just for the sake of making it. Sure, Toy Story is a huge money-making franchise, but there's one thing I've learned after attending Disney | Pixar press junkets over the past 4 years: it's about the art and the story, not the profit margin.
Toy Story 4 delivers on the art and the story in a big way. First, the movie is absolute eye-candy. The animation is out of this world. It's a far leap from the original Toy Story and even the third movie. It's almost unreal just how beautiful the animation is.
The story is what I was really perplexed about. How would they top the emotional rollercoaster that Toy Story 3 delivered? I still get a little choked up when I think about the characters holding hands as they're heading towards the trash incinerator. Those feelings came rushing back during Toy Story 4 at a few different points in the story. I don't want to spoil it for you, but if Toy Story 3 got you a little verklempt, make sure you bring the tissues for this one.
What I love about the Toy Story films, and Tom Hanks mentioned this during our press junket, is that no matter how old you are when you watch the next installment in the series, you're still the same age as you were when you saw the first movie. It's like you're instantly transported back in time and those same warm feelings wash over you. The familiarity of the characters, the love they share for each other and their kid, and the beautiful imagery come together in the best way to create something that feels like home.
In Toy Story 4, we get to find out what happened to Bo Peep, who was absent from Toy Story 3 without explanation. You'll notice that she speaks and acts a little differently in this movie and I think this falls in line with kind of strong women that we're seeing from Disney | Pixar | Marvel lately (reminiscent of Ralph Breaks the Internet, the new live-action Aladdin, Captain Marvel, etc).
I knew from watching the Toy Story 4 trailer that new characters were going to be introduced. I was interested to see how they'd fit into the storyline and how we'd react to them. Forky (voiced by Tony Hale) was the first new character in the movie and he quickly became a favorite. His existence and part was wildly clever and delivered belly laughs.
Another new character is Duke Caboom (voice by Keanu Reeves). Caboom is hysterical. I don't know how Pixar comes up with these characters and how they nail them every. single. time.
For me, Gabby Gabby and her henchmen were the wild cards. If you're wondering if Toy Story 4 is good for little kids, I'll tell you that my newly minted 4-year-old did get a little nervous in the scenes with Gabby Gabby and the ventriloquist dolls. She still enjoyed the movie but she did shift to my lap a few times during those parts. And, speaking of Gabby Gabby, Christina Hendricks voiced her so exquisitely.
Without giving any more away, I will tell you that I would absolutely recommend you seeing Toy Story 4. Have yourself a Toy Story marathon ahead of time to refresh your memory about all of the fun characters and story details and then head to the theater on June 21st to see it on the big screen. Don't forget the tissues!
Check out the Toy Story 4 Trailer here:
Special thanks to Disney | Pixar for inviting me and my family to the Toy Story 4 screening and press junket!
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