While I love taking my kids on trips, the plane and car rides are definitely not my favorite part. There's something about those hours of down time that are just tough. It's usually because the kids are excited to get to our destination and I hear "Are we there yet?" over...and over...and over. That coupled with the constant begging for snacks, questions about the universe, and inevitable poking at each other, and I just want to BE THERE ALREADY. Since we've got in-laws and family all over, we travel quite a bit. We've started to get a feeling for travel ideas with kids, and how to make those trips go a little easier.
Travel Ideas with Kids
Bring snacks. Seriously, overpack on the snacks. I don't know what it is about car seats, but our kids always seem to be hungry when we're in the vehicle or on a plane! We love those little bags of popcorn or individually packaged treats for easy clean up. If you have a cooler, cheese sticks are a great option. We always bring more snacks than we think we'll need, and we always use them.
Travel during nap time. If your kids nap, try to plan a flight or car ride over their nap time. Another option is leaving very early in the morning or late at night. If the kids can sleep for a portion of travel, it will be easier on everyone. That being said, try to avoid leaving right at the time they usually sleep, because that's inevitably going to cause a meltdown.
Pack an anti-boredom kit. We like to make up little kits for the kids before long car trips, but you could fill a small backpack with these items for a flight too. We pack some things they're interested in at the time, and they only get to have them when we're traveling. That way they're surprised and excited about the 'new' things they get to play with!
Carry comfort items from home. If they have a favorite blanket, stuffed animal, or book, bring it with! That small comfort item will help calm them in the event of a meltdown. Just make sure you don't forget it anywhere-that's a whole other nightmare!
Utilize electronics. We do bring iPads with on our long travels, and I have no problem handing them over to the kids so they can stay occupied for a bit. Since Netflix started offering downloadable content, we've really been taking advantage of that. There are so many awesome shows and movies to save onto the iPad that our kids love (and let's be honest-there are some I watch during long flights, too!).
Downloadable Content from Netflix
Check out some of our recent favorites on Netflix that are all available for download! They've got something for everyone, from preschool all the way to adult content!
For toddlers and preschoolers, these are some of our very favorite shows! Octonauts is always a big hit and I love that my kids learn so much about ocean life while watching it. PJ Masks is another big hit around here, and it's a show that both of my kids will agree on.
For those preschool and elementary aged kids, here are some fun options! I was so excited to see The Magic School Bus Rides Again because I loved the original growing up. The reboot does NOT disappoint, and we've been enjoying episodes here and there after downloading them from Netflix.
Have tweens or teens? Netflix has you covered with some appropriate and super entertaining shows. If you haven't seen Stranger Things yet, you definitely need to. It's almost like a trip down memory lane for 80's kids because there are so many throwbacks to classic 80's films. Plus, the child actors are INCREDIBLE.
On the rare occasion when the kids are both quietly occupied, I try to sneak in a show if I can. Here are some downloadable options from Netflix for adults!
Check out the Netflix Family Facebook page for all of Netflix' most recent show and movie updates!
Do you have other travel ideas for kids?
I'm always looking for more ways to make flights and long road trips easier!
Best Shows to Watch on Netflix With Your Husband
Classic Disney movies from the vault that you can stream on Netflix right now!
9 Shows to binge-watch right now
Disclosure: I'm a member of the Netflix #StreamTeam and receive a subscription to their streaming services and a promotional item for participating in the program.
Amber Ludwig says
Oh yes!! We discovered the downloads recently and they are a lifesaver!! I use it when I don't want my kiddo to fall asleep on the car ride too lol!! Seriously fabulous!! I do find they take up a bunch of room but we just make sure to rotate things in and out a lot!