By the end of January, I'm usually waiting anxiously for spring so we can get outside. This winter has been different because we've taken advantage of our indoor time with some really fun activities. I love creating with my kids and wanted to share some of our favorite indoor activities for toddlers.
Fun indoor activities for toddlers
Recently a friend posted the idea of using toothpicks and marshmallows to create structures. It seemed like something our three-year-old would enjoy and we had both the necessary items to start building!
I thought we'd start simple with shapes, and our daughter Harper loved creating a triangle, square, and diamond. This is such a great fine motor activity-I felt like she was developing skills without even trying!
I love to find activities that keep her occupied for more than a few minutes. We've made these marshmallow structures twice now and she stays busy with them for at least an hour each time. The possibilities really are endless for what you can build, and you can also practice counting, shapes, and more.
One of the best parts of this activity is that you can snack as you go! Harper surprisingly likes to wait until she's done building to start eating the marshmallows. She really enjoys seeing things come together as she builds and always has stories to tell me about what she's making.
This is such a cheap activity. It cost us less than $3 between the toothpicks and the marshmallows! We had plenty of both to do more building again later, too.
Like I said before, one of the best parts of this activity is eating the marshmallows when you're done!
We will definitely be making more marshmallow structures this year. Next time I want to try 3D shapes. As Harper gets older we'll work on more complex building! Check out some of these other fun indoor activities that we are planning to try!
Indoor Activities for Toddlers
1. The Perfect Two Ingredient Cloud Dough from Crafts on Sea
2. Colourful Mosiac Rainbows from Daisies & Pie
3. Ribbon Rings for Dance or Play
4. Buried Treasure Sensory Bin from Atlanta's Frugal Mom
5. DIY Yarn Hearts from Drugstore Divas
6. DIY Play Snow from Viva Veltoro
7. Flower Garden Sticky Wall from Crafts on Sea
8. DIY Popsicle Stick Puzzles from Viva Veltoro
What are some of your favorite indoor activities for toddlers?
We'd love to try them out!
If you loved this post, be sure to check out our favorite indoor gross motor activities too:
Amber Ludwig says
Omgosh these are all SO FUN!!! I love the sticky wall and the hidden treasure bin the most. But seriously these are all amazing!!
Amber says
I love those ideas too! Have to stay busy in the winter or I'll go crazy 😉
Miranda Burdette says
These are some awesome ideas! I'm always trying to think of stuff to do at home with my daughter. I'll definitely be doing some of these! Thanks!
Amber says
We are always looking for new ideas too! Thanks for reading 🙂
gloria patterson says
I feel that all kids should be involved in crafts, it gives them good memories. My nieces loved to come to my house because they knew we would do some kinda craft. And today they still craft and craft with their children
Karen Propes says
These are great ideas, perfect for my to do with my Grandchildren when they come over. I always want them to make a craft or read a book that they can take with them to remind them of the day we had together. This list is going to be used for sure.
Jennifer says
Love these ideas! Definitely going to utilize some of these this summer on days it's just too hot to play outside.
shelly peterson says
These look like such fun and creative ideas. these would keep my grandsons busy. Thanks for sharing.
Christina H says
Thanks for these ideas! We've been stuck inside from weather and then illness and I've been trying hard to find new ways of keeping my toddler entertained. He'll love the marshmallow idea! 🙂