I've been meaning to start working out again for a long, long time. I think I've been putting it off for a couple reasons. First, it's hard as a mom when you're pulled 400 different directions to feel like you can take some time out of the day just for yourself. Second, I'm lazy. A glass of wine and a Netflix show sounds like a much nicer way to spend my evening than a three mile jog. Honestly, it's probably mostly the latter 😉 But I recently decided that I want to spend a little time each day on myself and I was thrilled when Joovy agreed to partner with me to share the Joovy Zoom 360 Ultralight Jogging Stroller and how it's helping me reach my fitness goals.
Thanks to Joovy for sending us the Zoom 360!
With my youngest child being almost two years old, I decided it's time to start working out again. I can't really blame my tummy on 'baby weight' any more, ha! I'm technically at my pre-pregnancy weight before having my son, but the fat has, how do I put this...redistributed itself in places I'd prefer it not to be.
Before having kids my husband and I would jog 4-5 days a week but other than the occasional walk together (with two kids who also want to walk, or ride bikes, or literally stop and smell the roses) we haven't been nearly as consistent with exercising the past few years. My husband works as an electrician so he's up and moving all day long which is in his favor. I, on the other hand, stay home with the kids. Some days are filled with physical activity but more are spent in front of the laptop or my phone with less movement than I should be getting.
After months of talking about going jogging, it's finally time to crack down and just do it. This week I started jogging between three and five miles a day. Pre-kids, this is what I used to jog and I was at my 'peak physique' before getting pregnant with my daughter and stopping exercise altogether. I'm hoping that this regimen, along with eating smaller portions at meals, will help me on the road to a better me!
I wouldn't say that I'm 'unhealthy' necessarily, but as I get older I realize that fitness is an important factor in having more energy and keeping illnesses at bay. Also, I just need to do something for myself since I feel like 99% of my day is focused on other people. And trust me, I wouldn't change that for anything! But as the saying goes, you can't pour from an empty cup, so it's time to add a little 'me time' into each day.
Joovy Zoom 360 Ultralight Jogging Stroller
To aid me in this journey, Joovy generously sent me their Zoom 360 Ultralight Jogging Stroller, which I could not do this without. Guys, I am in LOVE with this stroller. There are so many great features I want to share with you, but I'll start with how smoothly it glides. Jogging is strenuous enough on its own, but I wasn't looking forward to running and pushing a stroller. However, with the Joovy Zoom 360 I hardly feel like I'm pushing anything. It glides perfectly and with the large tires I barely notice rough terrain.
Depending on where I'm jogging, I can either lock the front wheel or let it swivel. Most often I set it to swivel so turns are easier but I appreciate the option. The parent wrist strap is a great safety feature, too.
Comfortable and Spacious Seat
The seat is spacious and whether I have my daughter or my son with on my jog, they each fit comfortably. The straps are easy to adjust to each of their sizes and the seat holds up to 75 pounds so we'll be able to use it for a long time. There are also mesh pockets on either side of the seat which are perfect for snacks or drinks for the rider.
The seat reclines fully which is a nice feature when you have a good napper. The mesh back allows for airflow and assures that a child can't fall out the back if they somehow get unbuckled. I appreciate the various recline options and you can bet my kids have tried all of them out! Joovy also sells a car seat adapter if you want to click in your infant carrier.
Large Canopy
The canopy on the Joovy Zoom 360 Ultralight Jogging Stroller is HUGE, which I absolutely love. My kids go from cold one second to "Mom, I'm burning alive!" the next so it's nice to have that large canopy to protect them from the elements. I don't take much with me when I go jogging but the storage basket underneath is spacious enough to bring a few necessities like diapers and wipes, snacks, or toys to keep the kids busy.
The peek-a-boo window is great when I take my little guy out, because the movement of the stroller often puts him to sleep. I can keep an eye on him without having to stop jogging which is really nice.
Parent Organizer
One of my favorite features is the parent organizer. I like to bring a bottle of water and my phone with when I run, and I use the Map My Run app to record my distance and time. The pocket is surprisingly deep and there's plenty of room for keys, snacks, or whatever I want to bring along.
Simple to Park and Fold
The one-step linked parking brake is something I haven't seen on many strollers. I love that I can lock and unlock both back wheels with just one step! Folding the Zoom 360 Ultralight is really simple and the auto-lock is a great feature. Just lift up the front seat flap, flip the red lever and lift on the cable, and the stroller does the rest! It folds down compactly for a jogging stroller and it's only 26.25 pounds so it's light and no problem to lift into a vehicle. The wheels also come off easily for storage.
Overall I absolutely love the Joovy Zoom 360 Ultralight Jogging Stroller and I can't wait to keep exercising with it. I'm going to write another post a month from now to share how first four weeks of jogging go and more about my fitness goals/weight loss. I'll also give an update on the stroller and my long-term opinion of it!
You can purchase the this stroller in blueberry, black, or red from the Joovy website or Amazon!
Do you work out daily? What do you do to stay in shape?
Let me know in the comments! I'd love to start a discussion!
Disclaimer: I received the Joovy Zoom 360 Ultralight at no cost to facilitate an honest review and talk about my new jogging regimen. As always, all opinions are my own.
Kristine Sleeper says
This stroller looks perfect for an active family!!! So many great features, especially that parent organizer!!
Stephanie Phelps says
Oh wow the Joovy is so amazing! I love that large canopy and how it reclines so far! I don't think I have ever seen one that folds so compact.
Jacqueline Henry says
I am horrible about working out and can find almost any excuse to not do it. But, in the last couple of months, I am not happy with how I look and feel. Plus, I want to be active to show my daughter a healthier lifestyle. This stroller looks awesome even for long walks; I'm not really a runner.
barbara brown says
I love all your giveaways and the recipes you post thank you !!!
Lauryn R says
I definitely agree that fitness is so important, especially when your a mom! Not only do you want to stay healthy for those littles, but it makes you feel amazing as well! 🙂 I have an 8, 4, and 3 year old so I usually don't have trouble staying active, they keep me on my toes constantly!
denise low says
Thank you for sharing. I know that it is important to get fit.
Kenia P. says
Great review! It is very important to stay fit!
Christina A. says
That looks and sounds like a great jogging stroller! It really is hard to find time for fitness when your days are so full--I totally understand! I have to force myself to make it a priority and right now I am just trying to keep to a goal of walking a few times per week!
Kathy Pease says
Their strollers are so awesome..My daughter owns one of these and loves it.
Sheryl Holden says
been looking for an easy to fold stroller, sometimes I can't get them folded and have to drive with trunk open