If there's one item I've been hoping to get for Christmas the past few years, it's been a robotic vacuum. Between two kids and two cats, I'm cleaning floors at least twice daily. When Shark agreed to partner with me to share their newest and best rated robotic vacuum, I knew I'd be in for a treat. Is it too much to call a vacuum my new best friend? I don't think so! Check out why I love our new Shark vacuum and how it's simplified our life.
Best Rated Robotic Vacuum
I think I've put a robotic vacuum on my Christmas list the past few years, but obviously that hasn't panned out for me. This year I decided it was time to take things into my own hands, and when Shark agreed to send me their ION ROBOT™ 750 with Wi-Fi Connectivity + Voice Control, I was beyond excited. There are so many features of this robotic vacuum that make it stand out and make my life SO much easier.
As a stay at home mom, I feel like at least 75% of my day is maintaining some level of cleanliness in our house. We have two kids under five, and two cats who always seem to be shedding. Combine that with busy schedules and me being generally bad at housework, and you can imagine how messy my floors can get. As soon as our Shark ION ROBOT 750 showed up (and just in time for Christmas!) I tore into the box and got it set up.
It was so easy to install the brushes and get the ION ROBOT up and running. The dock is small, though the robotic vacuum itself is a little larger than I expected! I'm glad it is, though, as I'm guessing the vacuum cleans faster than a smaller unit would. As you can imagine, our cats are pretty wary of our new robotic vacuum!
Shark Quality Products
Because we own a Shark Rocket Vacuum that we absolutely love, I knew the quality of the Shark ION ROBOT 750 would also be top notch. With a sleek design and expertly placed brushes, the robotic vacuum does a fantastic job cleaning our entire main floor at night while we sleep. While we sometimes run it during the day, my kids are so excited about it that I have to remind them 500 times to leave it alone. So, we schedule it to run at night which also motivates us to pick up toys and other messes before we go to bed!
I'm appalled each morning at how much our robot (affectionately named WALL-E thanks to my kids and Disney Pixar!) has collected during its scheduled cleaning. I empty the bin each morning, and the amount of hair, crumbs, and dust is gross but also awesome. It shows me that robotic vacuums are 100% worth their weight in gold.
Not only does our Shark ION ROBOT 750 run at night, but I also use it for messes during the day. With the handy Spot function, I can set "WALL-E" in an area I need cleaned and it will be mess-free in a matter of minutes. I've saved so much time over the past week because I don't have to sweep or vacuum multiple times per day.
Shark ION ROBOT 750 Navigation
This robotic vacuum does have a low profile so it easily fits under most of our furniture. I'm always amazed by its ability to recognize objects and navigate away, while still cleaning right up along walls. The proximity sensors work so well!
The ION ROBOT 750 comes with 9 feet of BotBoundary strips, which can be cut to size. These strips can be placed in doorways or in front of areas you don't want the robotic vacuum to access. We currently have a strip in front of our Christmas tree so our tree skirt doesn't get sucked up. We also put up our chairs at night so WALL-E has easy access under our table. However, the vacuum does well navigating around chair and table legs, too.
Cleaning Your Shark ION ROBOT 750
Cleaning the Shark ION ROBOT 750 is really simple. The dust bin is easy to remove and empty each day. I honestly wouldn't leave it much longer than a day, unless you have a much cleaner house than we do! The bin contains a filter that should be cleaned monthly.
You can also remove the brush in case something gets twisted in it. The vacuum has detangling technology that will help prevent this issue. The robotic vacuum comes with a cleaning tool, too!
Scheduling Cleanings
One of my favorite features of the Shark ION ROBOT 750 (and something that sets it apart!) is the wi-fi connectivity and voice control option. We immediately hooked WALL-E up to our wi-fi so we could schedule cleanings from our phones. We set our robotic vacuum to run every night at midnight. If you're away from home, you can modify the schedule remotely.
Another fantastic feature is the voice control option. If you have a device with Amazon Alexa, you can use the Shark skill to run your ION ROBOT 750. I just got my husband a wireless speaker with Amazon Alexa for Christmas. I feel so futuristic running my robotic vacuum using voice control!
Overall Thoughts
Overall the Shark ION ROBOT 750 is incredible and I'm so thankful for the extra time I have since I'm not cleaning my floors multiple times per day! The ability to run it from my phone is a HUGE plus. The voice connectivity is just icing on the cake. I can't imagine NOT having a robotic vacuum now that we do!
BUY IT: You can purchase the Shark ION ROBOT 750 from Amazon!
FOLLOW: Visit Shark on their social networks for updates and offers:
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Would you love to have a robotic vacuum?
Tell me why in the comments!
Disclosure: I received this robotic vacuum at no cost to facilitate an honest review. As always, all opinions are my own.
Clarissa Hiciano says
I could really use the extra help. Especially since I havr a 3 yr old and 8 yr old that keeps me cleaning most of the day. My job is never done! Happy Holidays!
Jennifer Davis says
With 2 dogs this would be wonderful. I have asthma so I vacuum everyday to keep the dust and pet hair at minimum so having one of these would save me so much time!
Kimberly White says
This would make cleaning so much easier!! I have 3 kiddos, a dog and a husband who is a police officer and firefighter. If my kids aren't dropping it or my dog isn't shedding it then my husband is tracking it in on his boots or uniform. We have hardwood floors and a few rugs but I think that is worse than carpet!!
Kayla Doan says
Yes, i would love one. So much dog hair and now that I have read that it works well, makes me want to try it out more for myself! 🙂
Charisse womble says
With all the dogs in our house, they shed a lot of hair. The Shark would help me a lot by taking care of that. That would be one less mess I would have to deal with each day.
Jennifer Michelle Ora Kreisler says
With our 3 kiddos into.... everything! And me as a home school mommy on top of everything else I juggle, the question is not do I want one... but rather, why do i not have one already?! And can I add one word..... dog.
Tamber Couch says
We have a cat, a dog, a 3 year old and two babies this would be so helpful and amazing to win.
Susan Thevenard says
We just bought a new house and with a dog and a toddler im constantly vacuuming up messes. This would be amazing to have, so I can spend more time with my family and less time vacuuming. I love the voice control option.
ellen beck says
Ha! Five cats, a dog, a hairy husband and people all over. Its on the floor. The history of the day is there.
Seyma Bennett Shabbir says
I never seem to have time to vacuum and being able to use my phone to schedule it would be a BIG lifesaver. We do have pets, 2 boys, and me who all contribute to the mess at home. This would save me SO much time. I would start it while at work so I could come home to a clean house!
Jennifer says
I’d love to win this to gift to my gramma. She’s getting older so it’s getting harder on her to use some of the heavier vacuums. She had surgery in her knee an this would be absolutely perfect an make things a whole lot easier on her! I’d love to make things easier on her if I can,she deserves it!
Margaret S Porter says
I would love a robotic vacuum cleaner to make my life easier. I work and then care for my parents every other day. Doing my floors is teething I put off but if I could schedule it and let it go WooHoo what a great thing!
Sky hitt says
with three cats i would love this! my floor is always dirty it seems and I'm always sweeping
Jessica Meschke says
I would love this to keep up with dog hair from two dogs and a toddler who eats on the go too often. With my husband and son's allergies this would be amazing at helping to keep that in check!
Lisa Garland says
I would love this because between my granddaughter and husband, there are crumbs everywhere. I am constantly sweeping and vacuuming.
Lynn Dobriko says
I would love this for all my dust bunnies and general walk in dirt and crumbs.
Deb Healing says
My mo just turned 79 and she keeps saying she would love to have one. The "old bones could use a break".
Janice Cash says
I Have fibromyalgia and not having to wrestle with my heavy vacuum would be such a help.
nupur kesarwani says
Pregnant and need Shark Cleaning Robotic Vacuum to do cleaning for me that would be great help for sure thanks for the chance.
Amber Ludwig says
I feel the stay at home Mom constant cleaning struggle too lol!! And I only have one child and one man child to keep up after! Boy is it exhausting though! I may have missed this but does it work on carpet?! I would love to find one that work well on carpet too!
Kathy Cook says
I have a Pekingese that sheds like crazy, a 3yrd old and a husband......that says it all!
Lenae Schwartz says
I have allergies so a vacuum robot is a life saver for me,.
LaNique Dees says
I would love to win because I have a toddler and sometimes they make messes thanks for the chance to enter this amazing giveaway.
Nancy Thompson says
I have 2 shelties that shed a lot. This would help out a lot.
Shaylee Hardman says
Because chasing two babies is enough work...this would be nice to not have to clean up after them as much
Mia says
What a super helpful product to have and I like the idea of being able to run it at night. I am always sweeping up so much cat fur and crumbs, it would be nice to have it cleaned up every morning.
Shanna says
Oh my gosh!!! 5 cats, 2 dogs, 4 messy kids, and a hairy husband!? Need I say more!!!!
Terri Vanerio says
Would LOVE one. Sounds wonderful.
Kim Pettyjohn says
I would love one. It's a time saver, you don't have to physically do it yourself, & it's such an awesome invention. I didn't know you could have it linked to your phone with the times to start it & to turn it on or off. That's even better. I live with 2 very active men that are always outside working or playing whether it's rain, snow, or sunshine & a dog too. So keeping up with vacuuming is hard. This would take care of that problem. Lol.
Marlene says
Just because I hate cleaning! With 3biys and a husband, there's always cleaning!!
Renee HendersonGray says
I would love to have the extra help around the house. This would be a dream to win.
Samantha bulman says
I would love to try this robotic vacuum because honestly I think I vacuum at least 5 times a day. I have two kids that are very young and very messy. I am constantly cleaning up all kinds of messes like dirt from outside and animal crackers crumbled all over my carpet. Having this device would make my life so much easier and save me the hassle of pulling out our huge vacuum and dragging it around the house multiple times a day. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win one of these.
Sheryl Holden says
would love to have this because after the daycare kids go home I am too tired to clean for the next day
Rachael Forsythe says
I have been wanting one of these for a long time.I have 3 cats and have to continue to sweep daily This would make my life easier to keep my floors clean.
Margaret Smith says
Between my kids and pets, we could really use one of these. With having RA, I find it difficult to vacuum. One of these Sharks would be perfect to help me with this chore.
Shelly says
I could surely use one , dog , salt & sand from all the snow & just in general the every day clean up...
Nancy Jachcik says
I suffer from allergies so after my daughter visits with her dog I have to vacuum if I want to avoid sneezing and coughing The shark ion robot vacuum would shure make it easier
Melissa Moody says
This would help save time so I can spend more time with my daughter!
Jill Roth says
We have 2 dogs a messy 19 month old and a husband, that alone should qualify as an instant free robot vacuum lol. This would seriously be a huge help though, we’ve got a lot going on right now and this would be a HUGE stress lifted, not needing to worry about dust mites, dog hair, or other mess would give me 1 less thing to do. With my husband being out of commission for personal reasons all duties are on me, this mommy would love a break!
Tyne Caouette says
We have a house full of cats and cat hair seems to get on everything, what's worse are those hair balls, I sure could use some help on a daily basis with the help of a robotic vacuum. thank you very much.
Donna C says
I'm too lazy to vacuum all the time! LOL! Is this how I enter? Thanks.
I would love to win this for my daughter in law who is always cleaning with a 3 and 1 1/2 year old.
Julie says
With a 2 year old and newborn and two dogs, this would be such a blessing. I can’t get anything done these days, let alone the vacuuming-the one thing I need to stay up on with all the crumbs and dog hair.
Pat F says
I would love this for my daughter who has a newborn, and a dog and two cats,,, She works and needs help with cleaning after a C Section this would be amazing TY
Deborah D says
This sounds like a great vacuum. Although I don't think I would like it connected to wifi.
Tina Meissner says
Because it would be amazing to come home and the crumbs already be gone haha