One of the main questions I hear lately is "When are you going to turn your daughter forward-facing in her car seat?" Our daughter will be turning four in May and rear faces comfortably in her seat. I've partnered with Diono to share the benefits of extended rear facing.
I feel like parents feel a lot of pressure about their kids reaching milestones. Somehow moving from rear-facing to forward-facing in a car seat has become one of these momentous events. However, I strongly believe that parents should keep their children rear-facing as long as possible for many reasons. There are real benefits of extended rear facing and I'm glad to be able to share them with you.
Benefits of Extended Rear Facing
- Safety - Rear facing is 500% safer from ages 1-2 and remains the safest way to ride in a vehicle long after that. The majority of collisions (60%+) are frontal impacts and only about 7% are rear impacts. In a frontal impact collision, a forward-facing child has an increased risk of internal decapitation as their head is pulled violently away from their body. The risk of this alone was enough to convince me that rear facing would be the safest for our kids and we made an effort to seek out car seats that would allow for them to stay rear facing as long as possible.
- Physics - Science was not my strong suit in school, I'll admit it! That being said, here's the low-down about crashes and rear facing versus forward facing. In a collision, our bodies move towards the impact. When hit head on, a rear-facing child will press into their seat and the seat will take the brunt of the impact. A forward facing child will be flung towards the front of the vehicle, with the potential for internal decapitation as well as leg injury as their feet press into the back of the driver/passengers seat. For a very brief video showing how physics affects children in a crash, head here.
- Anatomy - Infant and toddler physiology is very different from that of an adult. While our heads make up 6% of our body weight, an infants' head makes up 25%. In a crash, we can withstand more force on our spinal column than a child. Also, children's vertebrae are connected with cartilage and as they become older these connections close. Studies show that these three connection points may not become ossified bone until as late as age eight, and that NONE of them have ossified by age two. The longer children rear-face, the more likely it is that their vertebrae will be fully connected protect their spinal cord in the event of a collision.
- AAP Recommendation - An updated policy in 2011 from the American Academy of Pediatrics advises that parents keep their children in rear-facing car seats until AT LEAST age two, or until they max out the height or weight limits of their seat. They've also made it clear that their recommendation is a minimum of age two, but that there should be no rush to turn children around if they can remain rear-facing, as it is the safest option.
Because our daughter is nearing her fourth birthday, we've had multiple people comment about how she's "still" rear facing. Luckily, I quit caring what people think about our parenting a LONG time ago! I simply let them know that she's safer rear facing in the event of a collision and that she'll remain that way until she outgrows the height or weight limit of her seat. We recently transitioned her into a Diono Radian rXT because it has higher rear facing height and weight limit than her previous seat!
A Look at the Diono Radian rXT
Right now our daughter is 36 pounds and 38 inches tall. The Radian rXT's rear facing weight limit is 45 pounds so she has awhile to go before she'll reach that. The height limit for rear facing is until she's 1.5 inches below the top of the seat or 44 inches. Despite being almost four years old, she's totally comfortable rear facing because it's all she's ever known. I'll admit that sometimes I wish she was forward facing so it would be easier to hold a conversation. However, I know that she's SO much safer rear facing and she has the rest of her life to face forward. Why rush it?
One of the main things I hear from people is "What does she do with her legs?!" Well, see above, ha! These are just a few of her leg positions as she rides rear facing. Does she look uncomfortable? For adults, sure. But for kids who have much more flexible joints, it's a non-issue.
Rear facing installation is also fairly simple. You attach this base to the bottom of the car seat, then use either the SuperLATCH system or the vehicle's seat belt to secure the seat. The LATCH system is rated for 35 pounds rear facing so I installed the Radian rXT using our seat belts. It was really simple to get a good, tight installation after watching the video from Diono's website.
This car seat does have a bit of a recline, so we installed it with the Diono angle adjuster. You can purchase this add-on item for less than $10 from Amazon and I would consider it a necessity. Make sure your child has complete head control and can sit up unassisted before using the angle adjuster. It does makes the seat much more upright. I love that the Diono Radian rXT has such a low-sitting profile. This makes it easy for Harper to get in and out of the seat by herself.
Adding to the safety benefits of extended rear facing, this seat has a full steel frame and aluminum reinforced sides. This does make the car seat a little heavier but it really does feel sturdy. The car seat also has EPS foam, side impact protection, and a Safe Stop® energy-absorbing harness.
The Radian rXT has a 10 year life span so you can use it from infancy through the booster stage. The infant support cushions can be removed to make more room for an older child. My daughter is very comfortable in her car seat and often falls asleep in it.
I'm highly impressed with the safety features on the Diono Radian rXT. I love that our daughter can stay rear facing longer with this seat and we can reap the benefits of extended rear facing. As I shared before, she'll be turning four in May but we have no intention of turning her forward facing until she outgrows either the height or weight limits.
How long did your kids rear-face?
Tell me in the comments below!
BUY IT: You can purchase the Diono Radian rXT from Amazon or from Diono's website!
Be sure to check out our other resources about Car Seat Safety:
Check out our other posts about car seats:
5 things to consider when buying a car seat
8 common car seat mistakes you might be making.
5 car seat safety tips every parent should read.
Big Kid Car Safety - When to transition to a booster or seat belt.
Using the Top Tether - Are you doing it right?
Car seat use after an accident - what you need to know.
Car seats and coats - the do's and don'ts
Leslie Thomas says
I was actually just rear ended in a hit & run with our daughter in her rear facing seat. Now I have to replace the seat.
liz says
That sucks, we're in the same boat, I was rear ended a few weeks ago (hit & run), right after moving, and now need to replace our car seat when we're already strapped for cash. Luckily my roommate's boss has one for each of his vehicles and lent us one or we would have been screwed, she had three appointments within 7 days of the accident.
Amber says
UGH, so sorry that happened to you Leslie and Liz. Hopefully no one was injured in the accidents-how scary!
Regina Wright says
I want to win this car seat for my 5 year old. We take public transportation and some places we need to go via taxi/uber and this would be great to have because we don't have one! Thanks for the chance.
Jeanie Payne says
I'd love to win this for my granddaughter.
Kristen janich says
My baby girl due in June would love this! ???????
Quineka Pembrook says
My son could use a new car seat. love all the features
Breanna Rivera Torres says
Looks like a great car seat love to try it
Deborah D says
My sister is due in May and needs a car seat and this would be perfect.
Lauri F says
Would love to win one of these, our 3nd car seat in my husbands car is old & should be replaced. Thanks for this giveaway!
Jessica Miller says
I'd love one for my daughter when she falls asleep in the car her car seat now her head falls down the sides of the car seats u have look amazing and would definitely help with her head these are beautiful!!
Alissa W. says
I would love to win this for my two year old, her seat is well used and could use to be replaced.
Rachel lee says
I want to win for a friend of mine that is due soon! I don't think they have a car seat yet but a good car seat is always a number one priority!
Bonnie Cantrell says
I would love to win because my newest addition's carseat is pretty much expired and we'd love to have a Diono to match his older siblings but with 4 kids money is tight!
Sarah says
I wanna win this for my son!! We only have an infant car seat and we are in need of a convertible seat for when he grows out of the current one. I've always loved the Diono brand for their simple designs, but mostly for their safety!! Thanks for the opportunity!
Vanessa says
We love our diono car seat! We need an extra one for our second car!
Mommakow says
I'd love this seat! We're pregnant with our fourth child and our oldest is only 4, so we will have all 4 kids in boosters for years. This seat would be so handy!
Danielle Marsh says
would love to win this. I am 5 months pregnant now. but I would love to win it for my sister who is a stay at home mom, of a 7 and 2 year old, that watches another 2 year old little boy who is going to be a big brother soon. this would help her be able to take 3 kids out on adventures.
Kate Freiberg says
I would love to win this for my twins! Thanks for the chance! ❤
Alexis Cuffy says
I would love to win this for my 10 month old son! We would love to keep him rear faced for a longer period of time and this would be an awesome car seat to do that!
Crystal Snyder says
I am in need of a new car seat for my oldest. This would be awesome to win
Heather H says
We are having baby #3 any time now and we need to still fun hire out how to fit three across in our cars. The RXT would allow us to do that!
Silvia Reid says
I want to win this seat for my daughter.
Katie Ashley-Bascombe says
I would love this for my 1 1/2 year old. She's still rear facing and I would love to keep her that way as long as possible.
Ashley B says
The safety features sound awesome! I also love the 10 year life span and it can be used through infancy to a booster even!
pamela jablonski says
I would like to get a better carseat for my grandchildren
Ashleigh says
Because we have a new little one due in 3 weeks, and I need to get a good car seat. Would love to try this one out!
Krista F. says
We currently have 2 Diono's, one forward and one rear facing and could really use another one with baby #3 coming soon and the need for 3 seats in the back of an SUV.
bernardina sims says
I babysit my nephew a few times a week and we don't have a car seat, so this would be great!!!
mami2jcn says
I want to win it because of its 10 year life span!
Crystal Rodriguez says
I have loved Diono carseats since their name was Sunshine Kids. I have always found their seats to be one of the easiest installs I've done. My kids have always been comfortable in their Diono seats and they last a really long time.
Mara Drew says
A diono seat is essential in our tiny car! I love the narrow width and the bold colors.
Laura Barajas says
Amazing giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity!
Sheryl Holden says
I want to have this car seat for my grandchildren to be protected and safe when traveling. My grandchildren are also on the small size so this would even be more of a benefit to them.
Devon F says
I would love to win it for my sister who's expecting her first baby. I absolutely love our Diono's!
Rebekah Olson says
We are expecting again after planning to be done, and already getting rid of most of our gear. The Dione radian is known to be slim, which would be helpful as we try to fit three kids across. It mightmake the difference in us having to buy a new car right away. We did rear facing until my youngest was three, definitely worth it!
Lisa Huelster Gresham says
My 5 yr olds seat recently broke (Styrofoam broke off her head rest) so we are using her backup seat and I hate having to move the seat when she switches cars. I would love to have this for her!
abedabun dawn says
Why do I want to win this car seat? Well, because I have never heard anyone say they were not happy with their Diono! AND because I know it would keep my grand daughter safe.
Nancy says
I'd like to have this car seat because it has such high safety standards.
Michael Tallman says
I would love to win this for my daughter. I would have my niece use it first, as my daughter is only 1 month old. But I love these seats. My cousins daughter has been a model for these and they love them.
Helen lee says
Would love to win
Nancy Moore says
Would love to win this for my great grandson due at the end of April.
Jenny says
my son is three and still rearfacing. His seat has a weight limit of 40lbs so it would be great to win one that would help him rearface longer.
Amber Ludwig says
I would love to have this amazing seat for our hopefully up and coming baby #2!! <3 Seriously the best seat out there!
Amber McCarter says
With five kiddos - four of them still in 5-point harness, two still rear-facing - we always need another seat to move into! This would be a blessing.
Brigid Sim says
My son is almost 2 and will be rear facing as long as possible!
Cindi O says
We have one for our LO but now need one for our NEW LO. 🙂
Misty says
I want to win this for my Granddaughter who is the joy of my life! I want to know that she is safe while in the car.
diana drotenko says
I would love to win this for my 2 1/2 year old! With another one on the way we need a more fitting but safe car seat and booster for her , the one she has is very bulky and uncomfortable for her ? thanks so much for the chance!!
Sheryl lynn says
I would like this for my daughter's foster babies
Lauren W says
My daughter is having hip surgery and Diono has one of the few carseats that can accommodate a spica cast, so winning one would be a DREAM!
Charlene huff says
My grandson is getting ready to switch over to larger car seat these are awesome.
Maryann says
My daughter is just about outgrowing her infant seat. Winning this would be amazing!
Allie Gates says
I would love to win this car seat so I can use it when my baby outgrows the infant car seat.
cheryl says
great style and colors
Dani says
We're having a new baby in September, and things get tight, even in a minivan, with four huge seats. I have wanted a Diono, knowing you can fit three across. Seriously. Brilliant. Also, we'll need one more seat after baby grown out of infant seat! Thanks for the chance!
Kate O'Brien says
I would love to win because we are expecting our third in May and I've heard great things about Diono car seats.
Dandi D says
My daughter needs to graduate up to a better car seat and this looks like a great option!
Mary M. says
I gave my convertible carseat to my sister for her 1 year old who had outgrown her infant the seat. We are now looking for one for our little one!
Ladybogs says
I would love to win this car seat because I would take any measure possible to keep my little one safe and this seat has great ratings and I believe extended rear facing is the best option for traveling littles!
Lisa Weeks says
I'd love to win this car seat for my second baby due in September!
Jennifer Odom says
I would love to win a new seat for my daughter to use! Our backseat is narrow. This seat would be perfect!
Darcy Koch says
I can use this for my grandson. He travels with me alot and it is such a hassle transferring his car seat from his mother's car to mine frequently. Plus, I am all for a child remaining rear facing as long as possible.
Korie Sperry says
I would love this car seat! The seat we are currently using is getting ready to expire.
hannah says
I want to win because I'm planning to have a kid next year!
Kris Garvey says
We are trying for number two and just bought my 5 year old a 3-in-1 5 point harness/seatbelt adjusting high back booster/seat booster carseat so he'll have that until he no longer needs one. We need a new seat for his future brother or sister and this would be amazing! I always hear wonderful things about Diono and it's a brand we'd love to have but likely can't afford on our own.
Kimberly Guimond says
I would so love too win!
Catherine Sullivan says
U would love to win this seat, been drooling over it for some time <3
Cindy Kong says
I love this car seat. I have one for my daughter and its great! I need one for my son who's turning one and need to be out of his infant car seat! this would be perfect.
Sarah Hayes says
i want to win bc my LO could def use an upgrade. ive wanted one of these for several years bc they are one of the best brands. the colors are amazing too
Steve Weber says
I'd like to win this because my sister just had her 3rd baby back in December.
Jessica B says
My daughter's carseat is falling apart, we need a new one and would greatly appreciate winning one!
Lisa Weeks says
My daughter rear faced until she was 2.
Valarie A says
When I was pregnant I reseached I think every carseat there is . And thisone is by far the best and is the only company thhasn't had to Iasissue a recall of some sort. Love this careseat. Really wish I could get it for my lil girl.
gloria patterson says
I want to win it for my great niece she will be 6 months old on the 24th and I want her to have something safe..... and this car seat is safe
Cindy Kong says
I rear faced my daughter til 2.5 yrs. she still fit the requirements and I knew it was the safest for her even tho my husband worried about her legs. I had to explain to him there's nothing wrong with her legs and she's fine.
Lisa D. says
I've heard great things about this car seat and we need to replace our expiring (hand-me-down) 2nd car seat. We had her rear-facing until 3 year old.
Angela Escobar says
I would love to win this because we are expecting our 3rd child and I have heard awesome things about this car seat and how slim it is, it would be great to be able to fit all three children in the back seat!
Vanessa Valdez says
Due with baby #3 in May.. would love to have this for her when she gets older!
Colleen Maurina says
I would love to win this Diono car seat so I can take my little grandson all sorts of places. I take care of him during the work week. I like all the great safety features of this car seat.
Amanda says
I could really use this seat. I have to squeeze 1 teen 2 pre teens a 3 year old and a 1 year old into my car every little bit of room helps.
Stephanie Crest says
I would love to win this so I can keep my 2 yr old daughter rear facing longer! Our goal is until 4 years old.
Laurie Nykaza says
My niece just has a bay girl so she would really love this for her to ride safely in.
Claiborne says
Baby #3 should be out of infant seat soon!
Nikki says
I would love to win a new car seat for my 1 1/2 year old. We have a Recaro for her but just learned that there are safety issues with the straps but that it is not enough for a recall. Hundreds of dollars down the tubes and now the search for a new seat. Unfortunately with times being financially tough we can't afford to get her one that we feel is the safest and can be rear facing for the length of time we want her to be.
Judy Lipcsak says
I would like to upgrade the car seat I have now for my granddaughter.
Debra S says
I would LOVE to win this, because: I have 14 grandkids now. From brand new up... and they are not finished producing them yet. We grandparents have the kids a lot. and the switching the car seats is a hassle for me. Plus, THIS car seat ROCKs. wow these are super nice. I sure could use it.
Marilyn Chandler says
Hi, I would love to win this amazing car seat gorgeous my grandson. He yxv4 years old. Thank you!
Brandy says
My son has a Diono and my daughter has been begging for one like her brother. I think they are the safest on the market and love the hefty frame.
Rosa Ramos says
I have the Diono booster for my son and would love to get the car seat to use with my daughter as she rear faces currently with a Britax boulevard but have read so many great things about the Diono car seats!!
Angela Reed-Warren says
My child's car seat is old and I would feel alot safer if I had the TOP brand protecting him.
April says
Our daughter who will be 6 in June is 30 lbs and still rear facing. We are currently in the market for a better extended rear facing car seat. With all of the options out there I am a little over whelmed. Thank you for your honest review and the opportunity to own one of these awesome car seats.
Jasmine kastel says
This would be perfect for my son. We were in a car accident and have been borrowing his grandparents car seat. Since I'm a single parent money is so tight.
Roxann says
I want to win this for my grandson. My daughter is a single mother so money can be tight and this is such a nice car seat and I know that it would keep him safe.
Maggie says
Love what this car seat has to offer
Amy Nelson says
I would love to win this car seat for my daughter! She could really use a new and better car seat! Fingers crossed!
athena graeme says
I would like to win this because I just adopted a little girl overseas and am in the process of bringing her home. I didn't intend to adopt, but my husband was working overseas and we met her there and we just fell in love. She's never been in a car before, in Timor, most kids ride on the motorcycle with their parent, sans helmet! A car is intimidating for her, so I really want her to have a safe and comfortable first experience.
Wayne bishop says
Would love to win for my son tj who will turn 1 a week today
Rochelle Luaders says
I have one of these and love it, would love to have another one. Ours is before the new design, too, so I'd love to check out the new seats.
Sarah says
I would love to win this for my sister in law who has 3 kids.
La shawn says
Want to win the car seat for a friend.
Paula Adams says
With two little ones now in the family, we need a new Diono Car Seat to replace an old expired back-up seat that stays at grandma's. It's for emergencies, but you never know, so have been trying to decide if we should buy another Car Seat as a back-up!
Samyra says
I want to win for my niece and nephew when they are with me so i don't have to wasre gas going to mom's job and getting carseat first
Ashley Johnson says
We really need a new carseat for my youngest daughter.
Natalie Anderson says
I have wanted one of these for so long but they are expensive and money is usually tight. This is the best carseat out there. I just bought my toddler one on this last sale and she loves!!! It. I will need another one for my baby soon too
Annie says
I would love to win it for my daughter!! Rear facing is so much safer and she's a tall girl so we'd love to keep her facing that way as long as possible.
Nicole Giroux says
I want to win because trying to find the best car seat for an affordable price is a lot of work. Winning a great one would solve that.
Elizabeth F says
Dionos are great. Love my Rainer!
Amanda says
I would really love to win this for my 16 month old he really hates his current car seat and I think he needs something safer than what he has. He has already been through so much in his short little life and is very lucky to be alive. I think he would live this seat.
Ashley Rogers says
I am wanting a safer car seat for my niece Harper. My sister is a single mommy and it is hard for her to to purchase everything on her own. It would be really awesome to be able to win this for her and my niece.
Daisy rardon says
Would love to win this for my 3 year old johnny. He's in need of an upgrade would love to see him in one of these!!!
Cathy Jarolin says
I really enjoyed your post extended rear facing Car seat! What you said about accidents if your child is facing front could be d disaster made me think you are so right. The longer you can keep your child facing backward the better his outcome in n accident. Most accidents are Front end!! Your a great Mom. Keep up the Great Job. :O)~~
Eric says
My only concern you didnt cover is what happens to a child in a rear facing car seat when you are violently rear ended? The result is as listed above with a frontal collision and a front facing carseat. Either way, there is no safer solution. Also worth mentioning, how about the ergonomic stress from a child that is sitting rear facing who cant fully extend their legs?
Amber says
Hi Eric,
Thanks for your comment! One thing research has shown is that frontal and side impacts make up the large majority of serious crashes. While rear-facing crashes do occur, cars are typically going much slower and have less of an impact than frontal or side collisions. Even still, rear-facing has been shown to protect kids in the event of a rear crash as well. This article is very helpful:
If you're still concerned about rear-facing and rear-impact, a car seat with an anti-rebound bar is the way to go. You can check one option out here:
As far as ergonomic stress, children's joints aren't fully developed like adults so they have much more range of motion in their hips, knees, and ankles. Because of that, they don't get uncomfortable like we do in certain positions. That being said, if you're traveling more than a few hours it's always good to take a stretch/potty break to shake out those limbs. Our daughter rode rear-facing until she was almost five, and she was happy to sit froggy style, hang her legs over the edges of her seat, or stick them straight up when she wanted to stretch them out. Hope this helps!
Anon says
A broken leg is better than a broke neck or spine. Cast for a broken leg. Casket for a broken spine.