In my quest to live a little greener, I've tried all sorts of reusable and more natural products. From using cloth diapers to natural cleaning products, I actively try to limit my family's exposure to chemicals. Don't get me wrong, I'm not completely crunchy, but making just a few small changes can amount to big results. That's why I've really wanted to "green my monthly routine" for a while now. I have cloth pads, but I missed the no-muss-no-fuss of tampons. So then I bought and attempted to use a reusable menstrual cup, but that just did NOT work for me. It was so uncomfortable, and I couldn't achieve a good fit. I wanted so badly for the cup to work perfectly, but sadly it did not and I went back to using tampons.
Lately though, I've been thinking about this more and more. So, when an opportunity arose to try Softcup (at no cost) I jumped at the chance. Maybe this would work for me and I could finally leave behind the synthetic period products for good.
Speaking of synthetic fibers, did you know that's what tampons and disposable pads are made from? Most are constructed from bleached rayon, polypropylene and plastic. These fibers can post a lot of health risks and may not be the best option out there. Here are 5 reasons you should consider ditching the synthetic period products:
1.) Risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS): With tampons, there is a risk of developing a rare, but sometimes deadly, bacterial infection that manifests into Toxic Shock Syndrome (an overwhelming infection that can cause a drop in blood pressure and subsequent organ damage).
2.) Exposure to chemicals: Your vaginal mucous membranes are extremely absorbent. Using synthetic fibers (and applicators) poses a great risk for chemical exposure, including toxic carcinogen dioxin and disinfection-by-products (DBP's) which are present whenever a product is bleached, phthalates (chemical plasticizers used in plastic tampon applicators and to make the glossy coatings on cardboard applicators), and pesticides, herbicides and synthetic fertilizers found in non-organic cotton (source:
3.) Lack of airflow: With pads, the very nature of their anti-leak technology makes it so there is very little air being exchanged. This can lead to bacterial and/or yeast infections.
4.) Odor: When using a pad, you're basically allowing blood to sit there and degrade. Over time this causes a noticeable odor. Same with tampons if they're left for prolonged periods of time.
5.) Convenience: You might argue that tampons and pads are convenient - they even come in handy little carrying cases, but I'm talking in terms of lifestyle. You can't swim with a pad, or have sex while using tampons. There are pros and cons to each of course.
Now, allow me to introduce you to Softcup - a better solution!
Softcup is a flexible cup that is worn internally, around your cervix to collect, rather than absorb, menstrual flow. Think of it just like a cup... because, basically it is. Softcup has two styles of cups available; a reusable cup that you rinse and reuse for one cycle, and a disposable cup. I received the disposable cup (as pictured below), which is made from a non-absorbent, non-irritating medical grade plastic and is composed of a very flexible ring with an attached collection cup. It's hypo-allergenic, latex-free, BPA-free, PVC-free, and contains no dioxin or phthalates. I was actually really excited for my period to start so I could start testing these.
Now you may be wondering, why choose a Softcup disposable cup over tampons or pads (or even a reusable menstrual cup). Well, there are a few good reasons! As I mentioned earlier, you'll avoid using those synthetic fibers which are not great for your overall health. The Softcup doesn't ABSORB, it simply collects. That means there's no breeding ground for bacteria which could result in odor and TSS. Plus, since this is a disposable product, you don't have to worry about touching a lot of blood or cleaning out the cup (and storing it in between periods). You just toss it and go.
When I first examined the Softcup, I was a bit concerned about it's seemingly large diameter (when compared to the reusable menstrual cup I tried before, it's wider). However, since the reusable cup didn't work for me, I figured maybe the larger diameter would be better. I read a few tips about insertion (squeeze the opposite sides of the rim together, then push BACK, not up) and gave it a try. The directions and tips were spot on! I was able to insert it correctly the first time and unlike my previous experience with the reusable cup, I did not feel the Softcup at all. It was a very comfortable experience. Now, for you ladies that may be a little shy with yourself, just know that you're going to have to get to know your body a little better for insertion and removal, but it's really no big deal. I was able to use the Softcup throughout my entire period without a leak.
Softcup is also great for busy women who don't necessarily have time to change a pad or tampon every few hours. This would have been great when I worked 12 hours shifts; especially on those days I barely got a lunch break. Unlike other products, Softcup can be worn during any activity including swimming, sleeping, AND sex! Yes, you read that right... mess-free sex is possible with Softcup.
Interested in trying Softcup?
Starting Tuesday, May 20th at 1 PM EST, a FUN Sampler event is going to start! In case you aren't familiar with Sampler, let me tell you a little bit about how it works. First, you are NOT signing up to receive a sample for yourself. You're going to pick a friend from your Facebook friend list and send her a sample (or "sampler"). You're essentially sending them a little gift! Do YOU want a sampler for yourself? Just head over to
Disclosure: This is a sponsored review on behalf of Softcup and Sampler. I received this product free of charge and compensation for sharing my honest opinion.
olivia bartley says
I just love that I can wear one for 12 hours...been using them for years!
Stephanie says
Interesting never hear of these!
Jessica Linsey says
No more pads for bacteria and odor protection.
Paige says
Love the 12 hour protection!
Jayce says
I really love that there is no odor, since the flow is not exposed to air. I'd be really excited to try this.
sa collins says
I love that it is not linked to T.S.S. Thank you for the giveaway.
Carissa Joslyn says
I live that you can use one reusable softcup throughout entire cycle...saving you money and the environment. I have a lunette cup, but idk-havent quite Mastered it. I feel like it's going to get stuck and never come out. I also have periods for weeks, and only go one week a month without having one, so any options to save money and help environment is good for me!
Tammy S says
I like that you can wear Softcup for up to 12 hours.
Kelly says
My favorite feature is the ability to reuse and not have to throw away so much nasty product. In addition I am pretty sure that chemically bleached cotton should not be used in the designed manner of a tampon.
Kelly says
I guess this one is throw away, not reusable. Still cool.
Ashley Dionne says
Cannot be felt when wearing it!
allyson tice says
My favorite feature of the Softcup is that it It's hypo-allergenic, latex-free and completely safe when used as directed.
Becky Marie says
I love that there are no fibrous materials inside of me, drying me out and making it really uncomfortable!
Sarah Griffin says
I like the feature that it probably is much softer than a Lunette. I just tried Lunette for the first time this last week and it wasn't too hard to figure out. Even though I could never tell if it popped open from the I would like to try these and see if they are easier to use.
Dawn Sterner says
I love the freedom you have with it, long protection & no leaks!
Lynn says
I love that it can be worn for up to 12 hours and there's no strings!
marnie ward says
My favorite feature of the Softcups is the long wear-time and that it is reusable thru my entire cycle. That saves me money they have pads or wings.
Megan Loop says
You can wear it for 12 hours! Wow!
Mary M. says
12 hour protection is the feature I like the most.
Amanda Barnes says
That you can wear it for 12 hours, that's awesome!
Dani Osenbaugh says
I love that it's chemical free & so easy to use away from home.
Tiffany Orr says
I love that it collects and does not leak.
Jade G says
I really am liking the disposable nature of this! I dislike the idea of having to clean/sterilize a regular cup, and it is just impractical sometimes to do so. This seems like an awesome alternative to tampons or reusable menstrual cups!
Julie Lee says
I like that it's reusable to reduce waste!
Ashley F says
I tried these years ago when they were called Instead cups, I loved not having to deal with the irritation caused by wearing a too large tampon.
Elizabeth Richards says
Love these and must have the little purse tote!
Ashley says
I am most impressed with the fact that you won't absorb any harmful chemicals while using this product.
Amanda Alvarado says
I like that one cup can be used for your entire cycle!
JoAnna M says
I love that its soft and comfortable !! I would love to try it and its 12 hr protection!!
Joy Q says
I love the 12 hr protection & no TSS.
MARIA simon says
never heard of these...cant wait to try 😉
Beanybopp says
I just bought a box of 14 count for like $6. It sounds weird but I cant wait to try them to see if A: I can insert them correctly because like you said the diameter is QUITE large B: if I actually get no leaking C: how well it works for me. I use to wear tampons but I stopped years ago and pads....well you know are a pain esp at night so hopefully these work for me and then I can stock up on them since there is only one store around here that carries them lol Thanks for the product review 🙂
Ruth V. says
Awesome! I hope you love them!