Wondering how to motivate your child? Setting goals is important. Whether you're trying to help them get better grades, keep their rooms clean, or potty train, GoalUP is the parenting tool you need.
I've partnered with GoalUP for this post.
I know all children are different, but I'd bet that most of them respond favorably to reward systems. I learned this very early on with my son. When I'd ask him to do something it seemed to go in one ear and out the other, but if I mentioned an incentive, he'd do almost anything to get it. This became very apparently during potty training. I tried several techniques, but nothing really worked until I started a reward system. Now, we're working on keeping him motivated to do small chores around the house, like keeping his room clean. It's been a challenge to say the least. That's why, when GoalUp reached out to me about their new platform for setting goals, I couldn't wait to try it out.
Setting Goals for Kids
GoalUP help parents set S.M.A.R.T. goals for their kids. To help your kids reach their full potential, the goals should be:
- Specific
- Measurable
- Attainable
- Relevant
- Time-bound
So, what is GoalUp? It's an exciting, engaging, interactive, fully customizable parenting communication tool that allows you to outline goals with your children, and recognize and reward them for their achievements. What's cool about GoalUP is that you can create a profile for your child and they can login to monitor their progress, choose their rewards, and you can even send them encouraging notes or eCards. I feel like their is so much negativity surrounding cell phone usage and older kids, but this can really be such a positive communication tool between parents and their kids.
Check out this short video to see how GoalUp works:
The first thing we did was set our goals. What I love about GoalUP is that it's completely customizable. You can choose from pre-set categories like academics, chores, spiritual development and more, or create your own goals that are relevant to your family. You get to determine the value of the goals and set the timeline for completion. I collaborated with my little guy and we decided we'd set 3 goals for him. He's only 4 so I didn't want to overwhelm him, but I did want to give him the chance to earn really cool prizes as part of GoalUP's reward system.
The reward system is probably my favorite part of GoalUp. I certainly love the dashboard and the ability to track and monitor his progress on the performance board, but the having the ability to let him choose his reward and using it as a tangible reminder is just awesome.
As soon as we started browsing through the hundreds of brand name rewards, like Fisher Price toys, Apple iPods, and gift certificates, I knew what was going to catch his eye. His scooter is getting a bit too small and he'd love a shiny new one. GoalUP using a point system for their awards. Parents or caregivers can purchase points then redeem them for rewards once their child reaches his or her goals. Since you determine how many points each goal is worth, you're in control of how fast your child can earn their reward. Some of the big ticket items are valued at quite a high point value, but if it motivates my child to make better choices and teaches him about work ethic, responsibility and being a good human being, then I can't really put a price on that.
When all is said and done, my little guy's new scooter will end up costing me about $100. That's not bad at all considering I'm getting to use this interactive parenting tool (free of charge) and it's going to take him several weeks of modeling good behavior and achieving academic goals to earn it.
In the meantime, we're plugging away and I'm enjoying being able to monitor his progress along with him. We've printed GoalUp's Goal Chart and have been using it to track his progress. He's really been thriving between using the chore chart and talking about the rewards system.
I decided to frame our GoalUP Goal Chart so we could use a dry-erase marker and reuse it week after week. My son has really been enjoying checking off his goals and having this tool within eyesight really molds his behavior. I think older kids will really enjoying using the app on their mobile devices to track their progress. There's just something so satisfying about jotting down your goals then checking them off.
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post on behalf of GoalUP. All opinions are my own.
Amber Ludwig says
I would love to try this with my son!! I swear my son is more motivated by everything and anyone else but me lol!!
Anne Fleuriot says
The possibilities!!!!
Monica Nuss says
My girl works even better with motivation
jennifer Babich says
Would love to help motivate my son with attainable and realistic goals
Sheila Ritter says
My 2 boys have autism and it is very hard to get them to set any type of goals, GoalUP looks like something that might be able to assist me with getting them to do that.
Angela P says
Oh my kids love rewards is the only way to get them to do anything around the house this could help me track and keep them motivated
Mallorie says
The rewards system and way of tracking their progress will be so helpful for my girls!
Angela Reed-Warren says
If their is motivation,my son does much better
Charity Castillo says
This would be so beneficial for my crazy twins! Actually it would probably be awesome for all 5 of my boys! I just need to do something to spark some motivation in their lives!
Ashley Chassereau Parks says
I love that it encourages positive reinforcement in kids instead of punishments! Sounds like a neat thing to be a part of!
MC2013 says
GoalUp would be a great motivator for my son to accomplish goals set forth.
amanda lea says
I love this!! My daughter is goal motivated and with her starting kindergarten next year this could be give her a bigger drive.
barbg says
It sounds helpful for kids everywhere. I did visit their website but could not find what the points value is? I mean it just shows name brand prizes it does not state what the 11, 200 or 400 points would be worth. Do you know?
Ruth V. says
Hi Barb, when you purchase points you can see how many points you can buy per dollar. In the post, I have a screenshot of a drop-down menu with points/dollar values.
Natalie says
I would love to try this because it would keep us accountable and motivate us to achieve goals.
Julie Lundstrom says
I have a son with autism and the therapist and I do something similar for him which really motivates him to reach the goal.
wendi says
i think children like a physical piece they can look at to see their progress instead of hearing it! I love it
Erica L says
My daughter does much better when she has a visual reminder!
Linda Manns says
This sounds like a great program to encourage the young ones. I know my grandson needs alot of encouragement and he is so smart. Rewarding him does help. Thank you so much for sharing this
Laura says
I think Goal Up would be a perfect tool to help motivate my niece! It's really a neat concept! 🙂
Chasta howes says
Think goal up is great way to help teach responsibility
lela says
It sounds like something interesting to start doing with my daughter
Kayla n says
Great tips ! Going to try the rewards with my little one
Logan says
Love reward systems! I am a teach so of course they come in handy 🙂
Suzanne W. says
Love the rewards...my daughter enjoys learning. Great tips.
Lily Kwan says
I want to try GoalUP because it looks very useful!
Katie H says
Would love to try with my son so it sets up good life practice as he grows