Expecting a baby? I'm going to break down which items you should include on your baby registry and why starting an Amazon Baby Registry is a good idea. There are a lot of brands and choices, but registering for baby gear doesn't have to be overwhelming.
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When I found out I was expecting, I couldn't wait to start shopping for baby gear! I picked up a few "baby registry guides" and got to work researching different brands and narrowing down my must-haves. To say it was overwhelming is an understatement! There are so many baby items on the market and it can be confusing to know which ones you really need. That's why I'm sharing my tips for expectant moms about what should be included on your baby registry.
There are a lot of places to register for baby items. I'm a big fan of one-stop shopping, so I'd recommend registering somewhere that has all of the items you need. It's easier for you to manage your list and it's easier for those who will be shopping for you. I'd also recommend registering somewhere that's known to have competitive pricing. You're going to need a lot of stuff, and people will buy more of it if the prices are lower. That's why I always recommend registering on Amazon. You can't beat their prices and they surely have everything you'll need for your baby since they've got over 270,000 baby items to place on your Amazon Baby Registry.
Plus, there are other benefits of setting up an Amazon Baby Registry. They've got a universal registry so you can easily add items from ANY site for one easy to manage registry. Thanks to their mobile app, you can manage and update your registry anytime and from anywhere. They've got an easy 90-day return policy and you'll even get a completion discount of 10% (that increases to 15% for Prime Members). So, let's talk about what you should include on your Amazon Baby Registry (or any registry for that matter!).
What to include on your Amazon baby registry
1.) Car Seat. A car seat is one of the only things you actually need to have on your baby registry. The hospital won't let you take your precious newborn home without one, so you absolutely must have one. There are a lot of options out there for newborns, including both infant seats and convertible car seats that are designed to transition from rear-facing to forward-facing, but I'd probably recommend an infant car seat with a base that stays in the car. There is nothing worse than waking a sleeping infant, so I found it preferable to just be able to detach the car seat from the base to avoid waking my sleeping beauty. I've used Graco SnugRide and Britax B-Safe with my kids and liked both of them. Which brand you choose will also depend on what type and brand of stroller you'd like to get. Just be sure the two are compatible or that there are adapters available. Once my kids were around 8 months, I transitioned them to convertible car seats with extended rear-facing capability. Even though you might only want an infant car seat now, I'd recommend registering for both the infant and convertible car seats since they can be pricey and people may want to give them as gifts (or at least you'd be eligible for the completion discount at the end). Be sure to check out my post about things to consider when buying a car seat.
Here are my top car seat picks:
(you can click on each item to check reviews and prices on Amazon)
Britax B-Safe 35 Infant Car Seat
Graco SnugRide SnugLock 35 Infant Car Sea
Britax Boulevard ClickTight Anti-Rebound Bar Convertible Car Seat
Clek Foonf 2017 Convertible Car Seat
Graco 4Ever Extend2Fit All in One Convertible Car Seat
Diono Radian RXT All-In-One Convertible Car Seat
2.) Stroller. I found that having a stroller was very helpful, especially when running errands with a baby that has fallen asleep in the car. If your car seat is compatible with your stroller, you can simply take the car seat off of the base and lock it into your stroller and go. Having a stroller is also great for walking off that baby weight. Since most strollers aren't recommended for infants under 6 months, you'll probably be using your infant car seat with your stroller, so you'll need a "travel system" or an adapter. I registered for two strollers when I was expecting – a jogging stroller and an infant car seat stroller frame that was compatible with my infant seat. Looking back, I would have registered for the Britax B-Agile Travel System that's composed of the B-Safe infant Seat and B-Agile Stroller. The B-Agile is a fantastic stroller and folds so compactly, plus Britax is a name you can trust with high-quality products.
Britax B-Agile/B-Safe 35 Travel System
Britax 2017 B-Ready Stroller
BOB 2016 Revolution FLEX Stroller
Mamas & Papas 2017 Urbo² Stroller
Graco Modes Travel System
3.) A baby carrier/wrap/sling. I am a huge proponent of babywearing, and I'd really recommend a wrap, sling or Nesting Days carrier (my favorite!) for those newborn days and a soft structured carrier for once the baby outgrows the wrap. Some soft structured carriers are adjustable and can do it all, taking you from the newborn stage through the toddler years. Babywearing helps you stay close to your baby, plus you can actually get some things done around the house with your little one in tow.
Here are my top baby carriers:
Boba Baby Wrap
360° Ergonomic Carrier by LILLEbaby - The COMPLETE All Seasons
lillebaby 3 in 1 Carryon Toddler Carrier
LILLEbaby Ring Sling w/ Removable Pocket
4.) Feeding essentials. Whether you're breastfeeding or bottle feeding, there are certain items you're going to want and need. If you're bottle-feeding, you'll certainly need bottles, a drying rack and bottle brush, as well as formula. I really prefer Dr. Brown's brand. I love the anti-colic venting system and size and color options. If you're breastfeeding, you'll want to have comfy nursing tanks and bras, a breastfeeding pillow like the Boppy, and maybe even a good breast pump and bottles so you can take a little break from time to time. Breast pads and a nursing cover might be a good idea too.
Dr. Brown's Original Wide-Neck Bottle Newborn Feeding Set
Dr. Brown's Options Narrow, 3 Pack, clear, 8 ounce
Dr. Brown's Bottle Brush, Blue
Joovy Boob PPSU Bottle, Grey, 5 Ounce, 2 count
Joovy Boob Pp Baby Bottle, Turquoise, 9 Ounce, 2 Count
Boppy Nursing Pillow and Positioner - Bare Naked
Itzy Ritzy Infinity Breastfeeding Scarf-Cotton/Poly Blend-Platinum Stripe
5.) Diapers and wipes. Another must-have! Luckily, you have lots of choices for diapering your baby. I preferred using cloth diapers on my little guy and thankfully many stores are offering a wide variety of diapers, from disposables to eco-friendly cloth. If you're choosing cloth diapers you'll want to register for about 24 one-size diapers to get you going. Most newborns will fit into the one-size diapers at around 8 pounds, but they pee and poop a lot, so you'll need quite a few for this first stage. I used disposables for the first few weeks until my little guy's cord stump fell off and I still use disposables intermittently and for travel. I really like the Pampers Swaddlers and thought those were excellent for those first few weeks. I especially loved the color-changing wetness indicator since it can be hard to tell when newborns are wet sometimes. With my daughter, I decided to use disposables since we were between houses and living with my parents for a while. I've used all different brands with her (because second child syndrome!).
BumGenius 5.0 Pocket Cloth DiaperBumGenius Freetime All-In-One Cloth DiaperPampers Swaddlers Newborn Diapers Size 1, 148 CountCloth Diaper Toilet Sprayer KitSpray Pal - Cloth Diaper Sprayer Splatter ShieldPlanet Wise Hanging Wet/Dry Diaper Tote Bag
6.) Bathing essentials. I know a lot of people just use their kitchen sink for washing baby, but I really liked having a baby bath with a removable sling. My little guy was comfortable and felt more secure in the sling and it was much easier bathing him in a pint-sized bath. You'll also need items like baby shampoo. I prefer natural and organic bathing products if possible, like the Earth Mama Angel Baby line. Also, don't forget about hooded towels and baby washcloths. They are perfectly sized for newborns and super soft.
Blooming BathSkip Hop Baby Infant and Toddler Moby Soft Rubber Bath Spout CoverSkip Hop Baby Infant and Toddler Moby Tear-Free Waterfall Bath RinserSkip Hop Baby Infant and Toddler Moby Mesh Smart Sling 3-Stage Bath TubFisher-Price 4-in-1 Sling N Seat Tub
7.) Nursery furniture. For the first several weeks or months you may prefer to have baby in your room with you, especially if you're breastfeeding. In this case, it's a good idea to invest in a co-sleeper or bassinet. That way baby is safer but still within arm's reach. For the next stage, you'll want to have a crib with a good crib mattress. I've talked to several parents who purchases inexpensive crib mattresses only to regret it later. Give your baby the gift of good sleep and purchase a brand that's known to be high-quality and supportive. Of course, you'll need a few waterproof covers and sheets for baby to sleep on. I also found it extremely helpful to have a comfortable chair and ottoman for feeding and rocking baby.
BABYBJORN Cradle - WhiteHALO Bassinest Swivel Sleeper BassinetDaVinci Kalani 4-in-1 Convertible CribStork Craft Hoop Glider and Ottoman Set
8.) Swaddles. I found swaddling my babies with muslin swaddles was perfect. They kept them cool in the summer, but warm in the winter. When they got older, they still liked sleeping with them because they're so soft and cozy. Then we upgraded to the aden + anais dream blankets.
aden + anais Classic Muslin Swaddling Blankets, 4-packaden + anais metallic swaddle 3 packaden by aden + anais dream blanketaden + anais Classic Burpy Bib 2 Count
9.) Baby care items. Hopefully, your babies won't get sick, but in case they do, you'll want to have some infant care supplies on hand. At the very least you'll need a thermometer. I'd definitely recommend a non-invasive one like the Exergen temporal artery thermometer so you don't have to wake your sleeping sick baby. It's also a good idea to invest in a healthcare and grooming kit, which usually includes this and other items you'll need like nail clippers, combs, a nasal aspirator (you NEED a NoseFrida, trust me), and more.
Exergen Comfort Scanner Temporal ThermometerFridaBaby Nasal Aspirator with 20 Extra Hygiene FiltersSummer Infant Complete Nursery Care Kit
10.) Baby monitor. I found having a monitor extremely useful, and I'd really recommend having a video monitor if possible. It's really nice to be able to see baby for peace of mind. Plus, when they're crying you might be able to see why. Maybe they're just a little overtired and you can let them cry for a few minutes, or maybe they have their leg caught between their crib slats and you need to go in right away.
Motorola MBP36S Remote Wireless Video Baby MonitorSummer Infant In View Digital Color Video Baby Monitor
11.) Layette and clothing. You've got to keep your baby warm and cozy, so layette is definitely a must-have. You'll want to register for onesies and bodysuits, footed pajamas (I prefer zippers to snaps here), and other adorable and comfy clothing sets for baby.
12.) Swing, bouncer, and exersaucer. While none of these things are absolutely essential, they may make your life a little easier. My little guy absolutely loved his Fisher Price swing. In fact, many days that's the only place he'd nap. I'd recommend finding a swing that plugs into the wall so you can avoid spending a ton of money on batteries. You should also consider the space saving and totally innovative 4moms mamaRoo. My son also loved his bouncer chair with vibration. For some reason, the vibration really soothes babies, and many of them have little activity centers attached for stimulation and playtime. My daugher, on the other hand, preferred the nautral rocking motion of the BabyBjorn Bouncer Balance Soft chair. Once they're about 4-6 months old and have good neck control, you can also start using an exersaucer. My baby loved his Baby Einstein activity saucer. Also, I'd HIGHLY recommend the Boppy Newborn Louger. We used it with both kids and it was amazing.
Fisher-Price My Little Snugapuppy Cradle 'n SwingBABYBJORN Bouncer Balance SoftFisher-Price Sit-Me-Up Floor SeatBaby Einstein Rhythm of The Reef Activity Saucer
13.) Diaper Bag. Sure, you could use a large tote or backpack that you already have on hand, but there are some fabulous diaper bags on the market that can help you stay organized and I think every mom deserves a good diaper bag and that's why I like to recommend Ju-Ju-Be bags. I've been using the for a few years and love how durable they are and the fact that they're machine washable. They've also got a ton of coordinating pieces to keep you organized. Pick a bag that really speaks to you since you'll be the one carrying it.
Ju-Ju-Be Legacy Collection B.F.F. Convertible Diaper Bag, The Queen of the NileJu-Ju-Be Classy Structured Handbag Diaper Bag, Blooming Romance by Ju-Ju-BeJu-Ju-Be Legacy Collection Be Set, The Queen of the NileJu-Ju-Be Be Right Back Backpack Diaper Bag, The AdmiralJu-Ju-Be Super Zippered Tote Diaper Bag, Tokidoki Kaiju CityJu-Ju-Be Legacy Collection B.F.F. Convertible Diaper Bag, The First Lady
Having a baby is a BIG event, but planning doesn't need to be stressful. You can easily do most of your research online by reading product reviews so you can decide which items are best to put on your Amazon baby registry.
What do you think?
Anything else you'd include on your Amazon baby registry?
Lindsey G says
I think your list is pretty spot on, really! A baby carrier is definitely one I always recommend and swaddle blankets and the thermometer you recommended are ones we're still using with my 4 and 2 year old [we got them when the 4 year old was first born]!
carla says
Thanks for this post, because I am planning my baby shower for baby#2. Even though my first baby had a baby shower, it was 5 years ago, and it wasn't in America... Said that I must confess that everything here is SO different, and I am really concern about what to add to my registry. My parents and family won't be here and we are only inviting friends. Do you think it is correct or polite to do a Baby registry with Big stuff as the one you mentioned? I was trying to keep everything in the list between $10-25 so my guest wont feel like I am asking them to buy me something big. We are conscious that by doing this we'll have to buy the big stuff by our selves. So far I don't know what to do :'(
Ruth V. says
I think you're being very considerate of your guests Carla! I think it's a good idea to register for only the things you truly want or need. If a lot of those items are lower priced than that will give your guests a good variety to choose from, but I also think it's fine to register for larger items as well (car seats, cribs, strollers). Some people may want to chip in and purchase a larger item for you, or you might be surprised and someone may generously purchase a big ticket item for you. You can also register for gift cards too - that way you can save them up and purchase the big items too!
Camille says
What a cutie!! And what an extensive list!