My mom often tells me that now is the time to make holiday crafts for the home, while the kids are young and I still have slivers of spare time on my hands. I feel like I'm always on the lookout for cute holiday decor that can be quick to assemble, and when I find something up my alley, I jump on it. The moment I saw these blank wood pennants on a daily art supply quick sale site, I quickly decided that I needed a set of these in my life! This week, I've loved putting together this holiday banner in time for the 4th of July celebrating!
Ultimately, I bought these from an Etsy store for something like $10 for a set of 15. I bought an extra set for my sister in law, and we've had a couple fun painting nights together. I used basic acrylic paints and fine tip brushes, but I've also seen a fun idea where you could decoupage fabric swatches onto the wood.
The beauty of these pennants is being able to flip them around for a totally different holiday! My plan is to paint up a bright and colorful "Happy Birthday" on the other side. I'm excited to be able to pull this out several times a year!
Since holes were already pre-drilled into these triangles, I strung them together with baker's twine and ribbon. I can't wait to make another one. I think pairing two consecutive holidays would be smartest. Wouldn't it be fun to make up another banner with "Happy New Year" and "Happy Valentine's Day"? Then you could just flip it over after the first holiday is over, without having to put it back in storage. Clearly, my wheels are spinning with this...
Happy 4th of July! I'd love to see what holiday banners you've created!
Laurie P says
Great banner! I've only ever thought of the fabric ones, but the wooden ones look fantastic, as does your painting!
Camille says
Thank you!!
ANN*H says
These are great to make for banners of any sort of occasion. I'm sure they could be made out of heavy cardboard instead of wood too. I put these on my Pinterest page
G K says
I love this! You could do it for any special occasion!