The wubba is ONE!
I can't believe a year has gone by so quickly and my little guy has changed so much!
Happy, happy birthday wubba!
We love you!
I'd love for you to leave my little guy some birthday love!
I'm going to print this post and it to his baby book 🙂
Mom's World says
Too ccute!!! They grow so fast!
Thrifty Nifty Mommy says
Aww, so cute! His 3 and 4 month pictures look almost identical except that his face filled out a lot more. They change so quickly!
Happy Birthday Wubba!! Have a great day today!
Ashley-Raye says
Happy Birthday, little guy!! My 14 month old just came over and babbled and pointed at his pictures, so cute!
Kenzi K says
Happy Birthday cutie! All of his pictures are so adorable, he looks like such a happy little guy!
Olivia R says
Wubba Wubba Happy Birthday To You.
Saving this image and forcing my sister to do the same thing with Little Miss due in October.
Raising Reagan says
Yay! Happy Birthday little man!!!
(¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo
Kelly Mills says
cute idea
Nicole says
Happy Birthday!!
Sandy VanHoey says
Happy Birthday Sweetie! Hope you're 1st birthday is as special as you are
spock7005 says
What a cutie - you are so blessed! And what a wonderful way to show how he grows. BTW - if you think the time went by quickly now, before you know it, he'll be asking for the car keys. Times moves by in the blink of an eye!
Lauren Stevens says
Aww - what a cutie! I hope you have a great birthday, and many more to follow!
Kristin says
So sweet - wherever did you find the onesies with each month printed on them?
Ruth V. says
Thank you! They are actually just stickers from an Etsy shop stuck onto a white onsie. Super easy!
Jennifer Marohn says
I LOVE his little shirts! Your little man is so cute! Happy birthday to him!
caedmen says
So cute! I love how much his hair has grown. Great pictures.