I've partnered with Allstate for this post about Halloween Safety Tips for costumes and your home.
There are few events that top Halloween for a little kid! Dressing up, the treats, the sweets, carving pumpkins, decorating the house, the candy...there are just so many things to get excited about, but don't get too swept up in the excitement yourself! There are actually quite a number of Halloween safety tips and precautions that most parents don't even think about during this festive season. Let the kids have the time of their lives, but don't forget to address these tips this Halloween!
Getting Your House Ready for Halloween
- Start with cleaning up your yard. It's a great time to put away all of the summer clutter and pay attention to debris that could get in the way of young trick-or-treaters who often dash from house to house, cutting through yards and alleyways. Store bikes, potted plants, hoses, and gardening tools out of the yard and a safe distance from any sidewalks. Rake the leaves, remove dead tree branches, trim hedges, and fill in large holes.
- Avoid Halloween accidents and take a good look at the path from your driveway or the sidewalk to the front door and make sure it is free from obstructions or hazards. Loose porch railings and uneven walkway stones could pose a threat to young trick-or-treaters, so be sure to make any repairs necessary before the big night. If you add spooky decorations to your yard or porch like cobwebs or skeletons, just make sure they don't obstruct any pathways and that they don't have sharp edges or corners.
- Opening your home to visitors, even if they are just trick-or-treaters on your front porch, can expose you to potential claims and lawsuits. Check your homeowners coverage and check with your insurance agent to make sure your house is adequately covered.
Planning your Children's Costumes
- To avoid potential mishaps and accidents, there are some safety precautions to think about when it comes to your children's homemade Halloween costumes. First of all, shorter is better. Be sure that long costumes and capes stop several inches from the ground when your child is standing. With the excitement of ringing doorbells and collecting candy, it is all too easy to trip on a long costume or slip on a rocky path. Don't let a bad fall ruin the night!
- Choose costumes and shoes that fit properly and don't have a number of accessories that could complicate the evening and contribute to accidents. For potty training children, make sure it is a costume they can get in and out of quickly!
- Masks can limit eyesight and only encourage more trips and falls. Opt for fun hats, wigs, or non-toxic face paint instead.
- All costumes, capes, wigs, beards, and accessories should be fire-resistant. The hems of long costumes or large fluffy skirts can easily catch on fire when swept over a carved pumpkin candle. Take note that costumes with spray-on glitter have a high risk of flammability because of the glue it contains.
- Avoid sharp accessories like swords where a child could easily trip and hurt themselves or another trick-or-treater. Pretend knives, weapons, and wands should be constructed of soft plastic or foam with no sharp tips, says the CPSC.
- To help your children be more visible to oncoming traffic, you can add a strip of reflective tape to their trick-or-treat bags and costumes. Glow sticks also help, and if you or your child will use flashlights, be sure to check and batteries before your head out.
Do you have any tips to share?! What are the best DIY Halloween costumes you've come up with?
This post was written as part of the Allstate Influencer Program and sponsored by Allstate. All opinions are mine. As the nation's largest publicly held personal lines insurer, Allstate is dedicated to not only protecting what matters most--but to guiding people to live the Good Life, every day. Image credit: copyright
Amber Ludwig says
Oooh these are great tips!! many I haven't even thought of!! I have no good tips but I do have a funny story!! Last year was my son's first Halloween walking and we took him around the neighborhood. We took him to him first house and they open the door and he just runs inside lol!! Omgosh!! He's just running around in there like crazy and my hubby had to go catch him lol!! I was so embarrassed but thankfully the homeowners thought it was too cute!!
Mia says
Very helpful tips. When my kids were younger we always took flashlights and glow sticks and kept to well lighted areas. I love seeing the kids going out in my neighborhood and we still get close to 100 kids unless the weather is horrid.
Amanda Schaeffer says
Thank you for the tips Halloween is so much fun me and my husband always go out with our kids you should never let your children go trick or treating alone.I never thought to put reflective tape on their costumes that's a great idea I will be doing that this year thank you for sharing this 🙂
janet aycock says
great tips
Beverly Guajardo says
I have been wondering about Halloween and these are wonderful tips. My kids do not go alone. It is not like it was when I was little and could just run any where I wanted to. We do carry flash lights and glow sticks and we make the kids walk in front of us and stay close by.
Kendra Nangle says
Great ideas! We're starting to plan for the twins' first Halloween out of the house so these were helpful!
Sarah Matos says
Great tips! You can never be too cautious even with something as simple as trick or treating.
Jenness says
I LOVE Halloween! House is all decorated, now to wait for the trick-or-treating 🙂
Valerie Conway says
These are some great tips I didn't think about, thank you!
karen cairns says
thanks for posting this many people don't take the precautions they should
Heather Eavers says
Halloween is not too far away. Good tips.
Ayla Crosley says
My little man is too young to go trick or treating this year but these are awesome tips for when hes ready to actively participate! He's only going to be 7 months for Halloween so we honestly wont really be dressing him up. Taking photos at a pumpkin patch and with a pumpkin, sure, but im going all out on the costume just yet. I love the idea of lighting though!
naomi partlow says
Great advice! I always give my kids glow sticks to wear, usually around their necks. My husband or I always walk them to the doors and check the candy before they can eat them ?
Jenna Law says
Great tips! It's going to be our first Halloween with our daughter! She'll only 11 months old, but I'm excited!
Aliya Thunder says
These are some great tips! Thank you!
Ana Aquino says
Great tips! Thank you! Our daughter will be having her first trick or treat this coming Holloween and as new parent, we're very excited to dress her up. We decided to make a DIY fairy costume using her old tutu skirt. I put some glittery ornaments on it to make it more magical! I used plastic flowers and made it her tiny little crown! It's so cute! Small flowers were added to her shoes too!
carmen miller says
I love the idea of putting reflective tape on costumes and trick-or-treat bags. This is so important. The drivers in our neighborhood do not pay attention. It is so scary. It makes sense to have costumes for the children where they can walk freely without stepping on them. Good information that I didn't think about, and luckily, my driveway and walking to the door is clear at our house.
Lesley F says
These are some great tips for safety! Thanks for sharing
Lisa Coomer Queen says
These are great safety tips! I cringe every year at some accidents waiting to happen.
Lisa Coomer Queen says
These are great safety tips! Thanks!
Christina Wagner says
I would add that having solar or battery operated lighting along the path way is an easy way to make sure no one falls.
patricia delgado says
These are some really great tips. My only tip is for the people passing out candy; please practice patience and tolerance. I have a special needs child and so do many other people and there are things they may do that you find annoying or bothersome but they may not have any control over these actions.
Brenna W says
❤️ Thanks for posting these safety tips. I always love have more ideas on how to keep my kids safe!
Cami Valenzuela says
Awsome tips. Can never be to safe now a days. We usually do church functions. I feel little more safer that way.
Christie Heckler says
There is no such thing as too safe!
rose cantu says
Great tips
Lynn Desroche says
These are all fantastic tips! I think it's really good to remind people of the potential hazards this time of year.
Chasta howes says
Great tips! We get out and walk with our child trick or treating to keep an eye out for her
Lauren Anhalt says
Thanks for the tips! I am definitely very cautious about people being near our house and making sure we lock up really well, but definitely have to remember the stuff about the costumes. Would never think about fire resistance..
naomi partlow says
I agree and definitely will try using the reflective tape idea! Thank you
Peggy hogan says
These are great tips I would never have thought about the home owners and checking on my coverage. I guess you can never be to careful
jennifer peters says
My son is new to trick or treating but i've been taking my nephews for years. All good reminds about safey in costumes & in the street. Good idea about yard safety I would have never thought about that.
Betty D says
Great tips....My areas iits bumper to bumper since were 3 houses from the main road. One family gives hot dogs/chips/coke....almost every yr. the reflection tape will surly help. Its so much fun to see the little ones enjoying thereselves...
Anita L says
Thank you for sharing these excellent Halloween Tips! I do not have any young kids and we are not in a neighborhood that permits this due to traffic. I have pinned this post in hopes that others may see!
Melissa S says
Very good tips. My son is going to be that V for vendetta guy and it is all dark clothing and a mask. I am planning to get reflective tape for the back of his jacket and shoes.
denise low says
Thank you very much for the tips. Flash lights are very important on halloween.
Elizabeth H. says
Good pointers!!! Definitely children should go with an adult and to only houses that have the porch light on!!
Katherine Oliveira says
Great tips! We don't usually have trick or treaters where we live, hopefully we will be moving and then I can put your outdoor tips to use!
Laura M. says
Flash lights and how sticks are the way to go!
real nice tips for halloween-thanks for sharing this post
Christie Heckler says
It's always good to know these great tips that I havent thought of.
Cathy Jarolin says
I enjoyed reading the Halloween Safety Tips For Children. These Safety Tips are all very important. Another tip That we stressed to our kids when they were young is Don't eat anything you get unless we check it out first.. Rather be safe than sorry! My Kids tell our grandkids the same thing. Now a days a lot of parents go with their Children. Great Idea!! Have a Spooktacular Halloween!
Lena Mccurdy says
2 head are better THANKS
Cathy Jarolin says
I am commenting again How very important that you keep your child safe on Halloween! I agree that face painting is much better then wearing a mask. So many of the masks block your vision one way or the other..Thankyou again for all the Great tips you shared for keeping kids safe.
Kristen Christensen says
Thank you
jennifer peters says
I can't believe that it is almost here. The safety tips will make it even better!