I've teamed up with Netflix for this post.
I’ve been so busy lately with the kids and adjusting to having two little ones that I'm so behind on watching all of the shows I always hear everyone raving about, like Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal. Luckily, I have Netflix and a list of shelfies to watch!
What’s a shelfie? It’s a show you want to watch but it’s been sitting on your virtual shelf because you just don’t have time to watch it. If this describes you, don’t feel bad... it pretty much describes most parents. I’ve got quite the long list going between movies, TV shows I plan to binge watch, and even shows I think my son would like (Did you know the Little Einsteins are on Netflix?). One of the best things about Netflix is that you can watch it on up to four devices a month, depending on your streaming plan, so while the little one is happily watching Curious George on one device, you can finally finish up that first season of Orange Is The New Black on another.
Speaking of Orange Is The New Black, you’ve probably heard a lot about it, and with good reason. It’s a Netflix Original Series based on the true story of Piper Kerman, a rather privileged American woman who made some bad choices after graduating college that landed her in prison. I can’t tell you too much because that will give the story away, but the series is based on Kerman’s book. It gives you a behind the scenes look at women’s prison that will make you laugh, cry, and occasionally feel sick to your stomach.
I also lost track of Chasing Life, which is an ABC Family show. The first season is on Netflix, and the second season started in July of this year. It’s the story of a young woman beginning her adult life with a promising new career as a journalist. While covering a big story, she faints and is later diagnosed with leukemia. The series follows her struggles as she tries to cope with all the changes in her life as well as the lives of her family. It’s an amazing story of courage, strength, and perseverance. I can’t wait to see what happens next!
I also want to finish up Drop Dead Diva. It’s a Lifetime series that’s {unfortunately} over now, but there are still 6 fun seasons featuring Deb, a beautiful and stick thin model, who is killed in a car accident and reincarnated as Jane, a plus-sized lawyer. The show seamlessly intertwines the thoughts of the typical “dumb blonde” and “nerdy brunette” into one smart and sexy character who uses both her past and present knowledge to help her clients. My description really isn’t doing it the justice it deserves (pun intended), but it's a really cute (and kind of corny) show that will keep you'll love.
Just in case none of those appeal to you, other shows Netflix just added to the library this month include:
Once Upon A Time
Gotham: Season 1 (Available 9/21)
The Walking Dead
The Blacklist: Season 1-2
Grey's Anatomy
The League
There's a television show and movie (or twenty) to suit everyone, and being able to watch whenever you want is a huge bonus. Anyone with small children will tell you that watching television when shows are actually airing just isn't a possibility on most days. Streaming online with Netflix has become such a part of my life that I often forget what time my favorite shows are actually on!
Do you watch Netflix?
What's on your virtual shelf?
Disclosure: I'm part of the Netflix #StreamTeam and I received a promotional item for participating in the program.
Melody says
Oh goodness. Netflix is so wonderful.
Alison Palmer says
I already spend so much time keeping up with things I have recorded on my DVR that I'm afraid to get involved with yet another TV venue. On the other hand I would kill to watch House of Cards and Orange is the New Black!!
Amber Ludwig says
I loove love love Netflix!! I tend to binge watch any show I find on there though so now Im stuck with nothing lol!! I just finished the few Storage Wars and American Pickers they had on there! Searching for a new one!!
Hannah C says
I absolutely love Netflix. I love that it's far cheaper than cable and they have all my favorite shows. I love their original series Orange is the New Black. Netflix is the best.
Amanda Schaeffer says
I love Netflix there is always something good to watch.I love watching Grey's Anatomy.I would love to give Orange Is The New Black a try but I have never gotten around to watching it maybe one day.