This month we took our first trip with kids to Disney World, and it was the most incredible vacation! Since our kids are two and four years old, we knew a stroller would be on our "must-have" list while packing. I've tried multiple strollers and double strollers over the past four years, but we found the BEST Disney stroller for two and I had to share it with you. I've partnered with Joovy to explore the features of their ScooterX2 Double Stroller!
The Best Disney Stroller for Two
When we started planning our Disney trip, I knew we'd want to bring a stroller along. Sure, you can rent strollers at Disney but we wanted to bring our own stroller for a couple reasons. The rentals aren't cheap, and I didn't want to spend money on a stroller we were going to leave there if we could just bring our own stroller along. Plus, we had plans all over Orlando and needed a stroller for our resort and other activities also. After getting some recommendations on the Joovy ScooterX2, we decided it would be the best option to bring with on our trip.
Thanks to Joovy for sending me this ScooterX2 in Blueberry!
We checked the stroller at the gate when we flew down, and that worked great. Plus, pushing the kids through the airport was much easier than having them walk, especially when we had so much luggage! Once we got to Florida and headed to the parks, I was certain we had made the right decision to bring the ScooterX2.
Yes, we are those parents at Disney World who let their kids get the crazy bubble makers! Best souvenir ever!
Joovy ScooterX2 Features
At only 30" wide, this double stroller fits through all doorways and is easy to maneuver through a crowd. If you've been to Disney World with a stroller, you know it can get difficult with the sheer amount of people. However, we had no trouble getting around with our ScooterX2. My husband also remarked that it has a narrow front-to-back profile which makes it even better for crowded places. We also both like how high the push-bar is on the stroller.
The ScooterX2 is equipped with ample space for water bottles and snacks, which is huge at a long amusement park day. Each child's seat has two mesh pockets, plus there are two mesh pockets on the back for the adults. The zippered pockets on the back of the stroller are perfect for our phones and other small items we need to keep accessible (like keys, a diaper and small pack of wipes, etc.).
One of my favorite features of this Joovy double stroller are the HUGE storage baskets underneath. We spent over twelve hours at Disney each day (three full days) and were able to keep everything we needed in these baskets so we didn't have to carry anything by hand. At any given moment we had a full diaper bag, extra clothes, the kids' autograph books, mouse ears for the family, princess dresses, souvenirs, snacks, and drinks in the baskets! They really hold a lot.
The ScooterX2 comes with a removable bumper bar, but I knew our kids would be eating and getting in and out of the stroller a lot on our trip. I thought the removable trays (which can be purchased separately) would be the best option for our vacation. They came in handy when we had counter service meals or the kids wanted a snack, and then we could remove them and stow them in the baskets. I would highly recommend opting to purchase the trays or buying the ScooterX2 with Tray, which is another great option!
Enjoying some tasty treats at Animal Kingdom!
Another favorite feature of this double stroller is how easily and compactly it folds down. We took the monorail multiple times and a couple buses between parks, and it was easy to drop the stroller down for those experiences.
If you've been to Disney with a stroller before, you know that you can't bring them in most lines or into certain areas of the park. There are huge stroller parking areas and we chose the ScooterX2 in Blueberry so we could more easily pick it out of the crowd. You can also get this Joovy stroller in Black or Red.
Our kids both took turns riding in the stroller and walking at different points during the day, but I would 100% recommend bringing a double stroller to Disney. More than once, both kids would ride in the stroller and it made our lives a lot easier for meals, too. At one point in the day, I saw everyone laughing as they walked past so I had to check out why. Turns out our daughter had fallen asleep like this so I had to rearrange her a little, HA!
This stroller has individually reclining seats which is a great feature. Our kids never nap at the same time (well, our daughter never naps at all except apparently at Disney World!) so they took turns with their seats up or down.
The over-sized canopy is also a huge plus, especially in Florida heat when you're coming from Minnesota! Our daughter is always complaining about the sun in her eyes so this was a great feature. It is a single canopy rather than two individuals, so if your kids fight over a canopy being down that might be an issue. It wasn't a problem for us.
We used the stroller for our entire ten-day vacation in Florida, so much more than just at Disney. We even met Lord Garmadon and Lloyd at Legoland 😉 The Joovy ScooterX2 was, by far, the perfect double stroller for our trip and I now recommend it to anyone on the market for a double stroller.
You can purchase this stroller from Joovy or Amazon!
Our friends at Joovy have generously offered to give one of our readers their very own ScooterX2! Enter using the Giveaway Tools form below.
To enter, just use the Giveaway Tools form below.
Open to the Lower 48 US States, ages 18 and up. Ends 03/06/2018 at 11:59 PM EST.
Helen Nordstrom says
I love the amount of storage on this stroller. When you're at the park for 10 hours with little ones, you need to make sure to bring everything. With thi s amount of stroller, you don't need to compromise on what to leave back.
Angel Park says
I like how it isn't too wide or deep to maneuver through places!
Laurel Erickson says
I like the narrower profile which makes it easier to maneuver. The individual reclining seats are great. But I am very impressed with the amount of storage this stroller has!!
Deborah D says
I like that the stroller is only 30" wide.
Meagan BS says
I love meeting the characters at Disney, can't wait to go back.
Kayla Handlos says
This stroller looks AMAZING! I love the amount of storage. The huge basket and the zippered pockets are everything! Also, a narrow side by side is wonderful! I would love this for my boys!
yadira pelkey says
I like how easy it looks to fold and use and it looks pretty compact not super huge; this would be perfect for our boys!
Dandi D says
We've never been to Disney World, but I'm sure my children would enjoy all of it!
Cathy Jarolin says
This is a truly Beautiful Double Stroller from Joovy! I love all of Joovy's Strollers. Thank You for the Very informative review. I enjoyed reading it. I love the big canopy across the top. Also love the Blueberry color. and the Wonderful way it folds up. It is also Awesome to have so much storage room.
Gina Ferrell says
I like seeing all the Disney characters and the shows.
Lauralee Hensley says
Truly my favorite feature is that the width is only 30" wide. Love being able to get through doorways without crazy maneuvering. This would be perfect for twins Brendon and Brody.
Ashley Chassereau Parks says
I love that this fits through most doorways, but still has plenty of room for the little occupants! I love the double snack tray too... that would be a life saver. We went to Disney 3 years ago and the electrical parade and fireworks were our favorites... and seeing Mickey of course! I would love to take my kids back for another vacation!!
Kayla norris says
we Have Disney passes and this would be amazing. Favorite feature is the storage especially zippered ones on back.
LeAnn Harbert says
I like that it's not too wide
Kathleen Lyle says
My families most favorite thing to do at Disney, is to ride on the Buzz Lightyear ride, and blast all the Zurg Z's <3
Elizabeth Johnson says
The joovy x 2 looks like an amazing stroller. Seriously, fits 2 kids yet small enough to maneuver through all doorways, folds for good storage, large canopy, brake bar, HUGE under basket, and a storage pouch behind each seat, there is everything to love. I used to own a double stroller before but it was super bulky so I got rid of it. I just couldn't handle it taking up my entire trunk. I really miss having a double stroller though because having 2 kids who can't walk much and get tired so easily makes it very difficult to do things and go places. This would be the perfect stroller for my family. My favorite feature may just be all the storage area because I love being prepared on our outings
Elizabeth Johnson says
I used to own a double stroller before but it was super bulky and took up my entire trunk so I got rid of it. I really miss having a double stroller because my youngest kids get tired easily and do not like walking. Joovy x2 sounds pretty amazing and the perfect fit for our family as it fits through any doorway, easy to maneuver, folds compact, has huge storage basket underneath and storage pouch behind each seat as well, a large canopy, a break bar, and removable snack trays. I'm pretty excited about this giveaway, actually very excited and I hope we're able to win because this is a perfect fit for us. It would make travel, vacation and outings so much easier and enjoyable.
Natalie says
My favorite feature is the removable bumper bar! Our favorite thing to do at Disney is to ride the rides and eat the wonderful treats!
Molly Conetta says
I love that this stroller is compact, but still has comfy and safe seats for both kids, and excellent storage in the basket below!
Laura Martin says
I'll be shopping for a double stroller soon, so this is great timing! I've mostly been avoiding side-by-side strollers because of the doorway issue, but this one being only 30" wide is fantastic. I also love the huge amount of storage space and individual recline options.
Oksana Kling says
Being tall, I struggle with most strollers. I love how tall the handle is on this.
Sara Phillips says
I love that this is a narrow side by side stroller!
Cynthia E. says
I know this is an "add-on" feature, but I love the ability to add the snack trays!!! That is awesome!
Melissa says
Loved my Joovy when we were in Disney. Unfortunately, something happened to it while in storage and we had to get rid of it. We need a new one before our next trip to Disney.
Denise Nutile says
Ease of maneuverability is so important in the park and this stroller seems like it would be great to zip around in. My little one's favorite ride, Tower of Terror! (she's a nut!)
Margaret Smith says
This does sound like the perfect double stroller. I like that each individual seat reclines. I over love that the width is overly sized.
Ellen V says
I love that it's not too wide I also love the large canopy we have a joovy groove and the canopy is great I love love that it comes with a bumper bar our son loves the bumper bar on our single. I also love that the reclines are separate since my 4 year old won't need to recline as much as my youngest
Ellen V says
we also hope to get to Disney in Summer 2019 so it would be great to have this double for that trip
Kathy Z. says
The two most appealing features of this Joovy stroller are the width, able to get through doorways and the individual recline positions. So very necessary with two children.
Jose Torres says
Looks like a good stroller. Would love to try it for my two youngest.
Tara Douglas says
I Love Disney! This would be an awesome companion! Ive heard great things about Joovy
Malia says
This stroller looks FABULOUS! I love how high and large the baskets look
Jennifer navarro says
I love the space the pockets it’s perfect I would love to win with my baby on the way and my toddler ??
Catlin says
I NEED this stroller for my twins! We are going on our first Disney trip this November.
Laura C. says
Love that the bottom storage baskets are huge and the push bar is high being that my hubby and I are pretty tall. Looking to travel overseas to see my family and this would help a lot. ?? fingers crossed!
Rathana says
Love the compact size and it’s look sturdy
Carissa says
This stroller looks perfect for a trip to Disney! Mine are 3 and 6 but they can still fit in this stroller I would love it for the trips we take!
Jordan C. says
I’ve never been to DW, but’ I love Disneyland! I can’t wait tim take my little guy this summer with his cousins! I just know he’ll love seeing all his favorites characters!
Jackie Balka says
I like the characters at Disney World and the fact that everything is so clean
Kimberly says
Love Everything about Disney - So Fun... This stroller would be great for character meets and parade watching...
Sarah says
I've never been so I'd like to see everything! lol
Brook says
The joo y double stroller looks like a life saver. I have Disney annual passes and baby #2 on the way.
Katie T says
I like that it can easily be maneuvered in crowds!
Christy hunt says
Love the joovy line! This looks like an amazing stroller for two. Favorite feature has to be containing two littles!! Haha! Runner up is the compact fold
Thien says
Love all the storage and looks comfy!
Miranda Welle says
LOVE the big canopy! Our favorite part of Disney was character breakfasts!
Nancy Thompson says
I like the stroller and it's not too wide to get through crowds.
Lucy Rapposelli says
Oh wow. My daughter sure can use this for her two kids
Holly Hicks-Guski says
I honestly love ALL the features! As a busy mama to 4 adorable boys this would be such a tremendous blessing! Thank you so much for this incredibly generous chance!
Linda Manns Linneman says
This is so nice. So many great features. I love the width of this stroller and how easy it is to move around. The storage space is great, especially when you go on outings like Disney. What a great feature these trays are for eating or snacking. I have a friend that could really use one of these. Thank you so much for sharing this great product
Casey Garvey says
I went to disney 15 years ago. my favorite thing was the Tower of Terror!
Mia says
My favorite feature is how easily this stroller folds down and how compact it is to make it so handy to take along. Also really like the removable trays.
Rosanne says
One of my favorite features is the removable trays. Good for when we stop to eat but free up space when they are off
Richard Hicks says
One of my favorite featues is the big storage baskets.
Jessica Lodge says
My favorite feature is the large basket. Some strollers have such an inaccessible basket and they are small, this one is roomy and easy to get to!
Sandy Weinstein says
i went to Disneyworld 1 many yrs ago. with my mother. i think i was in my 30's. i would love to see more exhibits, not really interested in the rides at my age. i dont have kids. i cant remember what we saw or rode now. there have been so many new attractions added. i would love to see the animals and the animal shows.
Christy Keen says
Love how it has a high push bar. As I am tall and this is always a problem for me with other strollers.
Lauryn R says
My favorite feature is definitely that it is only 30" wide, that is amazing for a double stroller! I actually never purchased a double for my youngest two (who are only a year apart) because they were all huge and way too hard for me to maneuver. This one sounds amazing! It would be perfect for going to the zoo this Spring, I love that that it has a big canopy as well! 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
kathy pease says
I love the high push bar that is great especially for taller people
sandra says
i like the narrow front-to-back profile
Jen says
I've been looking for a double stroller for our upcoming Disney trip (with our soon to be 2 and 5 year olds). We have a couple doubles at home, but I don't feel like they would be good for all the folding up that needs to happen, or to maneuver through a crowd. This sounds like it would be PERFECT!
Leatha hofer says
the large storage basket!!!
Sarah OConnor says
Loving in Florida this would be perfect for our theme park adventures. I love the easy gold up.
denise low says
I like that it is 30ins wide and I also like that it id a double stroller. Really a very nice stroller.
rachael debates says
I've never been there so I'm not sure!