It's time for Back to School! Today over at Thrifty Nifty Mommy, Miranda is sharing about some of the great personalized items you can get for your child from Personalization Mall! Click HERE to read her post.
I've teamed up with Thrifty Nifty Mommy to give one lucky reader a $100 eGift card to Personalization Mall! Enter using the Giveaway Tools entry form below. Good luck!
Gaye McGill says
For my great-grandsons: Stencil Name Personalized Lunch Bags and Pencil Cases; for my granddaughter in college: Personalized Notebooks, a Lap Desk and a Geometric Personalized Bath Towel.
Linda Madden says
I would choose the pink perfection embroidered shower caddy for my granddaughter.
Betty R. says
I would choose the personalized lap desks and water bottles for my 3 boys! They would love those!
Wendy R. says
My Name Personalized Large Notebooks-Set of 2 for my 15 yr. old niece. Thanks
Denise Low says
If I won I would pick the construction personalizes back pack for my grandson.