One of the biggest factors in weight loss and overall health is water intake. So many of us are walking around virtually dehydrated even though water is readily available and one of the best things you can put into your body. Sometimes you've got to take matters into your own hands if you want to achieve your goals, whether it's weight loss or just feeling better overall.
Here are 6 easy ways to drink more water everyday:
1.) Don't rely on your thirst to guide you. You may not feel thirsty, but that doesn't mean you don't need to drink water. Aim to drink 8 8-ounce glasses of water per day. You might even need a bit more if you consume tea or coffee as they have a small diuretic effect. Personally, after having 2 cups of coffee in the morning I notice that I pee a ton and start to feel dehydrated shortly after. That's pretty much the only time I notice a physiologic trigger to drink water; if I don't make a conscious effort I could go through most of the day without having any water at all.
2.) Figure out the best way to keep track of your intake. When I did the Weight Watchers program several years ago, they encouraged you to keep a food journal to keep track of what you had to eat and drink as a way to hold yourself accountable. Nowadays there are several great apps that you can use on your smartphone to journal your daily intake. My favorite is My Fitness Pal (plus, it's free!). Whether it's journalling in a notebook, using an app, or carrying a dedicated water bottle, just find something that works for you and your lifestyle.
3.) Use a straw or squeeze bottle. A lot of people find it easier to consume water when drinking through a straw. There are several great BPA-free water bottles available with built-in straws and even built-in filters. I take my Contigo Addison with me everywhere so I always have water readily available.
4.) Grab a few good, reusable water bottles and write time orientated goals on them with permanent marker. For instance, get a 32-ounce bottle, then mark it with 8 AM, 9 AM, 10 AM, 11 AM, 12 PM in fixed increments (on the other side write 1 PM, 2 PM, 3 PM, 4 PM, 5 PM - or however you see fit and refill the bottle once you're done with the first part of the day) and make it your goal to consume the set amount of water each hour and before you know it, you've taken in 64 ounces by the end of the day. Trust me on this one - invest a little more in a high quality water bottle that's easy to clean - you won't regret it.
5.) Add some flavor! You might find regular water a little boring after a while, so considering adding slices of fresh lemon or cucumber for a new taste and refreshing flavors. You could also add herbal teas to your routine.
6.) Get in the game. Find a buddy that's also looking to increase water intake and challenge each other to meet those goals. My friend Lindsey and I use My Fitness Pal to track each other's progress throughout the day. It's a great motivator for me since I'm naturally competitive.
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Heather Garcia says
I love water and guzzle it... I the summer. I barely drink water in the winter. I am so glad you mentioned apps for water consumption. I will definitely be downloading one soon. (((hugs)))
Deborah D says
I never thought of half of these. Thanks for the tips.
Deborah D says
I never thought of using a permanent marker to mark the water bottle. These are great tips.
Marizol says
I always say I'm going to take a lot of water, but always ended up taking very little water
Linda Manns Linneman says
I really need to boost my water intake. These tips will help. Thank you so much for sharing
Sapana V says
I usually keep a water bottle on my desk so that I won't skip it. I like the tips you suggested.
Cecilia Cortez says
Such a helpful and useful post! I've always found myself struggling to drink more water, but I'll put your tips to good use and definitely force myself to drink more water. Thank you so much!
ellen beck says
I have a jug I got years ago that holds 10 glasses. During the summer, I have no problem drinking it all but during the winter I kind of do at times. I do use a reusable bottle with the straw built in. Keeping hydrated is sometimes tough because youre actually needing water and migh not feel thirst.