Is a robotic vacuum right for your home and family? The bobi by bObsweep might be the model for you! This programmable, self-charging vacuum has simultaneous sweeping, vacuuming, mopping and UV sterilizing capabilities.
I've partnered with bObsweep for this review.
I once heard that all of our unhappiness is simply due to mis-delegation! As in, if you didn't have to do a number of the things that make you unhappy, there'd be no reason to not be the happiest mother on earth! I think about this often as I'm doing mundane household chores :). They don't make me miserable, but I'd surely be a lot happier if I didn't have to routinely clean up after a household of toddlers day in and day out! Mothers of the world, I have just found a huge source of happiness that is making my life easier, more simple, and certainly more pleasant! The source is our new bObi, an intelligent floor cleaner, with the power and brains to keep my floor spotless without lifting a finger!
The box arrived on Christmas Eve, so it just HAD to go under the tree! Best Christmas gift ever!
Introducing the bObi by bObsweep
She came with a cute sign that gave her name, weight, and height, just like a newborn member of the family, which she basically is now. She comes with a handful of parts, but assembly is a piece of cake and involves installing the main battery. The remote control allows you do navigate it manually if you'd like, but I recommend setting a scheduled time, which I'll explain later.
There are three basic (touchscreen!) directions on the top: Go, Juice, and Waffle. "Go!" will activate cleaning mode, "Juice" will send her to the charging station, and "Waffle" will direct bObi to focus on a 10 sq. ft. area, like you see below. It will sweep in a diagonal fashion, up and down and then on the opposite diagonal for about 3 minutes so as to attack a particularly concentrated dry spill. This is excellent for under a messy table after meals!
When you flip bObi over, you'll see how intense her components are. The parts are strong and sturdy, but my only concern is the life span of the side brush, the four-winged part with white bristles. You can see what a week of cleaning will do to it, as far as slightly warping and scattering the bristles, but it doesn't seem to affect performance at all, especially since this brush is not meant to really sweep your entire floor, but rather to clean corners and along walls, and new side brushes are sold for $14.99 on the bObsweep website if it does ever become too mangled. In fact, because of the modular design, parts can easily be replaced individually and can be done at home. You don't have to deal with the hassle of sending bObi in for repairs and having to wait on shipping both ways.
Most of the debris is tackled by two back to back main brushes that double the sweeping power to suck up heavy clutter. The blue bristles are specifically designed to pick up pet hair and human hair, making this even more appealing for pet owners!
The bObi is one of the slimmest intelligent floor cleaners out there, standing at 3.2 inches tall. She hasn't had a problem reaching underneath our cupboards and entertainment center, as well as most common furniture. Not to be outdone by other intelligent sweepers, bObi is also able to MOP! Hers is more of a "mini-mop", meant for small food stains or dirt spots vs. the entire floor. The extension snaps on dry or after soaking the cloth in soapy water. Just make sure to remove this before send her back to the carpets.
What makes this an intelligent sweeper is the fact that it uses infrared sensors. The advanced sensor technology can be controlled via the remote even through walls. The sensors let her know when she is approaching an obstacle so that she doesn't have to consecutively ram herself into walls before she figures out to change direction. She'll get as close as possible in order to clean along perimeters, but the 80 touch sensors do a fine job of intelligently changing trajectory. I really don't have to worry about bObi getting into any trouble or damaging anything in the house if I left her alone.
Add to her impressive list of features the ability to sanitize with UV rays! The UV lamp underneath turns on by default and sterilizes surfaces of excessive bacteria growth for an even deeper clean. I bet you can't wait to get one of these on your kitchen floor!
I wish I could show you how bObi can handle floors and carpets alike, but our home is entirely wood floor. Know that it can seamlessly sweep up dirt, dust, debris, crumbs, and pet hair from multiple surfaces and is smart enough to steer clear of ledges that would send it falling down stairs. Thick carpets, tile floors, wood floors, linoleum or laminate -- not a problem.
I didn't realize that bObi also has a built-in vacuum which further improves its efficiency! No wonder this gal can handle practically anything she's up against. Over the last week, we've found a glow stick and a train track in her dustbin. Impressive! Cleaning out the crumbs and reclaiming your valueables is as easy as occasionally pulling out the dustbin, which can be washed under the sink.
The most glorious feature, in my opinion, is the ability to program little bObi to clean on a schedule. In minutes, we were able to select a schedule where she will turn on every evening at 7:30pm (when the kids are in bed and not likely to run into her). You can select day and time, skipping days and fine tuning start times down to the minute. Every evening, she will automatically turn on and does her thing until she's low on battery, at which time she'll search for her charging station and call it a night! I love the idea of never having to replace the batteries, and not even having to check the battery life!
This is what I wake up to every morning! Without lifting a finger! My daily routine has been simplified and every day I am granted more time to spend on the other dozen things that need to get done around the house.
To say that I am so happy with our bObi is an understatement. I LOVE having her around, and I'm as pleased as ever with her performance. She can certainly handle the high amount of crumbs and clutter that my toddlers create on a daily basis, and having her clean my floors every night is a real luxury. She does a thorough job every time, tackling corners that I would have missed myself, and I'm committed to keeping up on the weekly maintenance tips of cleaning out the dustbin and replacing the filter in order to keep her up to high performance. I'm hoping she sticks around for a long long time. Goodness knows the amount of debris she will pick up off our floors over the upcoming years!
Connect: You can connect with bObsweep on Facebook, and follow them on Twitter and YouTube.
Buy it: You can purchase bObi on their website, as well as other online retailers like (usually for much cheaper!).
Disclosure: I (Camille) received the bObi Robot Vacuum Cleaner at no cost to facilitate this review. All opinions are my own. Amazon links are affiliate links.
Lisa Coomer Queen says
Wow. How great is that? Who wouldn't love one of these! I have all hardwoods and tile so this would be perfect! Great Review
Nicole King says
That is so neat, I have mainly hardwood floors and I'd love to run that over them and watch it work.
Sandra Watts says
That would be pretty nice to have. Not sure how it would work in my house though.
Sandy Weinstein says
i have been looking at new vac cleaners. dont know if my 3 dogs would like this, they dont like the vac cleaner now, have to lock them up when i vac. but i would love to have something like this since i hate doing housework. like no batteries, infrared for floors, extra wipes for floors. nice
Linda Bradshaw says
This would be so great to have. I am about to have hip replacement and cleaning is getting harder. This could help. I am interested in buying one.
Amber Ludwig says
Talk about the coolest little "friend" ever!!! I am always vaccuming, sweeping and mopping to keep up with my 2 year old!! Nothing stays off the floor!! Im constantly scrambling to keep up! This little bad boy will make a lot of mommies super happy!
phyloyd says
Rechargable battery Makes Bobi a good robot.
Ash L. says
I would love to have one of these. Convenient, helpful, efficient, fun.
Debbie S says
This sounds awesome
Sherry Martindale says
That would be awesome to have for hardwood floors! 🙂
carmen miller says
Ok. I'm sold. I want one please!
Brittany Williams says
Thank you for all these great giveaways!
Jerry Marquardt says
This would work so excellent with my hardwood floors!!!
Michelle Elizondo says
I want this!
Cathy Jarolin says
What will they Come up with next? Unreal! This would be good for me. I can't stand for a long time. Just program it and away it goes..Thankyou so much for this very informative Review..
Lisa Coomer Queen says
This is so me! I really hope to get one.
Kimberly Frazee says
I have dreamed of having one of these. Wow it seems like I could sweep this floor every half hour.
Lori Odijk says
the vacuum looks wonderful
Jennifer Ha says
that kinda looks awesome i havent seen a white one yet but look sweet!!
michele garson says
this would be nice, it would always be on in my kitchen since I swear my kids put food on the floor on purpose
jennifer burnside says
Would love this for my house!!!
Terrie Swanson says
I have the irobot and love it. However, I will need to replace it soon. I do wish that this one was not so expensive. I'm impressed and thought that since it evidently was a knockoff of irobot that it would be cheaper. Alas, not.
Sheila says
I would love to win this
Yvonne McKenzie says
i think every home needs one of those...
Maria says
This product looks really neat. I would love to have this.
Torrey says
So cool, but the price is steep 🙁
Penni says
Boy, would I love one of these - and I sure could use one! This would help me, on a daily basis, to stay on top of little messes -especially in the kitchen - so I wouldn't have to vacuum as often. Awesome!
April Ralene says
Wow, she does sound amazing, how loud/quiet is she? I love the fact that she searches for her own charging station. pretty cool!
Linda Buzard-Moffitt says
I would LOVE one of these I like the idea of the sensors this thing would have a heyday in my kitchen with my kids crumbs
Rachel Radtke says
Now that my baby is at that stage where he's not quite "real" crawling (with his tummy off the ground) but he's still scooting around the floor very effectively, he's reminded me of these type of product! lol. Little automated floor cleaner.
Yvonne Woodstock says
My favorite part is the UV germ killing rays and how IT does all the work. I love how shiny those wood floors are!
Deborah D says
This looks like a great little vacuum. I would still use a bigger vacuum cleaner at least once a week though.
Toni says
I would love to try thisIt sounds like something that would be perfect for my home.
mollyparnis says
Thanks for the review - I have always been very curious about how well these robo vacs work. I found this review very helpful.
Heather in VA says
As the owner of a dog that sheds year round I so need one of these. Great review. Thank you.
amy guillaume linderman says
i could really use this in my house. we have 5 cats and need to sweep constantly
Bel M says
What a awesome product! Its really hard with kids to keep the house clean every time.This surely helps me & give some extra time for me with other stuff! Love to buy it
Julie Maurcio says
Wow that's pretty awesome . I'm always skeptical about these kind of automatic gadgets though. But this one seems like it would do the job. Thanks for sharing.
Elizabeth says
I've always wanted one of these...your review sold me =)
Charissa says
This would be really great for a large house with hard wood or linoleum floors. It seems to clean really well judging by the pictures.
Cynthia C says
I would love to have a robot "maid" sweeping my floors every day. Now they need to come up with one to do showers and sinks!
Linda Mannst says
Could I ever use one of these at my house. We have seven people in our home and it seems like to are always vacuuming. This sounds so nice. I like that it is so easy to assemble and use. thank you so much for sharing
Amanda McCollum says
I love that it has a self-charging station! Amazing!
mary czerczyk says
This sound great. I would love to have one. And it doesn't sound expensive to replace the brushes. And I like the fact you don't have to buy batteries.
Asha says
Looks great wonder does it work on carpet and if it doesn't wish I has hardwoods 🙂
Gayle Watkins says
Sounds good, but I just not ready to let a robot take over cleaning. Not cheap either.
Jo-Ann Brightman says
An intelligent robot sweeper that also,has a small mop. I love it.
Dana Rodriguez says
That is so awesome! I would love one!
Laura Kelly says
I want one of these!
peggy fedison says
what a great product. ive always wanted one.. now i want it even more grrrr heehehe thank you your well written review.
Sandy Klocinski says
I think this is a great product. Thanks for sharing. I have been considering this for some time now.
Cathy Jarolin says
This is an awesome invention. Just imagine your floors being cleaned while you are taking a nap! Lol! I loved your review with all the Illustrations. It really convinced me that this is something I will put on my wish list. So cute that it finds is charging station and shuts off.. Thankyou for the Great Review!
Denise Sanders says
I so need one of these.
April Lister says
sounds really great... how is it with cats?
Michele Ash says
WOW! Thanks for the Fantastic Review on BObi by Bobsweep! This sweeper is so Neat! I love It!!!!! This is the first one of these floor vacuums like this to have a schedule that you can set and everything! I'm all carpeting throughout my house, even in my Kitchen and the bathroom! I know you said that it works on carpeting, but I was always told that these things only do good on hardwood flooring and such! I would love to have one of these! I have 2 dogs and kids and a husband who know how to make messes! I am just in awe over this BObi! Thanks so much for the review and pictures and all the information on this product that you shared with all of us! I honestly do appreciate it! Thanks again, Michele 🙂
Laura says
I always wondered if these really worked! Great to know that they do!
Deena Martin Bailey says
This looks awesome!! I would love to have one! Would make cleaning a little easier!
Deborah D says
This is neat for quick clean ups.
Lisa Cooper says
I NEED THIS!! I have 2 eighty pound dogs that shed everywhere!
carmen miller says
There is no doubt that I definitely would love to have one of these. It's fabulous.
crystal davis says
I would love one of these but it would probably get lost in all the crap on my floor. We are in the middle of an extended (read, when we have time/money) remodel so my house is cluttered and junked beyond embarrassment.
Sandy Cain says
Oh, how I need this! Crumbs and clutter on our floors doesn't BEGIN to describe what this place looks like. We don't have any carpeting, but the amount of "stuff" that gets ground into our hardward floors is unbelieveable. And it comes with a "birth certificate"?? Cute touch! I want this!
Kelly says
This is very nice. I have all wood floors and would benefit from this. I have mobility issues so sweeping is quite difficult. This would make my life much easier.
Natalie says
This would be so convenient to have to clean hardwood floors!
Jessica Haynes says
These are so neat, but I bet my dog would have a COW! Haha!
natasha says
my favorite part is the uv cleaning that kills the germs.
Sherry Compton says
Whoa...powerful and small. I'm glad it works on several floor types and spills. Very useful!
Jennifer Heintz says
I like that you can send for replacement parts, and fix the Bobi yourself. Being slim enough to get under counters and cupboards is always a big plus. It is impressive that it is "intelligent" enough to get back to the docking station for charging. Right now, I still run the vacuum and sweep, and would love to have such a helper.
i think this gadget is real cool,i need one of these--thanks for the review
Cynthia C says
Anything that helps with housework is fine with me.
Lisa Brown says
Looks like a nice unit. I like the style of it and the rechargability.
Karen says
What a fabulous cleaning tool! I absolutely hate cleaning floors, so this would be wonderfully convenient!
Franny says
I have a roomba but it doesn't work well on hardwood floors. This might be a much better option. Good review!
laura rubenstein says
This is awesome!! I've always wanted one of these. I'm totally jealous LOL
Sarah L says
That would be so handy to have. Love that it recharges itself.
Shannon says
I would love to have one of these, it sounds really nice and efficient. Thank you for your review.
Jennifer Jones says
bObi sounds amazing. I don't have a little toddler making daily messes anymore, but my teenage daughter and I still create some spills and messes at times. And our cats certainly like to fling cat littler stones and little cat food particles onto both the carpet and the tile floors. I have a lot of issues with back pain, so vacuuming is difficult and painful for me. bObi sounds like she could be a perfect solution. Clean floors and no pain from the vacuum. Plus she'd be a time saver as well. The price is a bit steep, but definitely worth looking into. Thanks for the informative review.
terry myers says
Thiould be nice but who could afford this vaccum
Twilla says
Lots of great information.
Michele Ash says
Thanks so very much for the Fantastic Review on bObi, the intelligent floor cleaner! This sounds absolutely Terrific! I would love to have one of these! I love that it goes on hard wood and tiled floors, but also on carpeting! I have carpeting throughout my house! I have carpeting in my kitchen and both bathrooms! It would be so nice to have one of these bObi's running around and cleaning the rugs! Right now it would have so much fun maneuvering around this house! My hubby has the inflatable bed up in the Living Room which takes up an awful lot of space! He also has an extension cord (one of those heavy orange cords) running from the Dining Room into the Living Room for his heating pad and blow dryer! It's like a maze in this house right now and I hate it! Thanks for the fantastic review, the pictures, and all the information which you have shared with all of us! I truly honestly appreciate it! Thanks again, Michele 🙂
carmen miller says
I really want one of these.
Dandi D says
Wow, this is so neat! Although vacuuming and sweeping is one chore I enjoy, it would still be handy to have this around.
Sara Schwab says
This is a nice blog
Joanne Gregory says
This is just what we need! And maybe they will come up with a robot to do the dishes!
Danielle fox says
i think this is too cool
Bel M says
Awesome product!Want to try how it works for my home!
Margot C says
There are a bunch of these on the market. I have a Mint (not the best one frankly, though it does have a pretty good wet-mop mode), and there is the Roomba. These guys are brave to step into this market. This looks to have some great features (like the Waffle and Juice), and I have also found that anything with a rotating bristle column design (like a standard vacuum) risks being tangled with wound strands of my long hair, so it also seems good that on this model you can just pop that out.
polly says
Our entire downstairs is tile so this would be perfect! Just to get the dog hair up daily from our Golden Retriever would be great!
Linda Yip says
Looks pretty cool & cute. I think it would be a thoughtful gift or product to have for yourself esp being a busy full time 24/7 mommy that 24 Hrs in a day isn't enough Hrs to do all I have to do. So this would be a delightful & life saver indeed.
Sherry Compton says
Small but powerful. This would be very useful.
Cindy Kuykendall says
this would make life so much easier
Stephanie says
What a great addition to any family!
Linda Mannst says
This is so nice. With two dogs and a cat I could really use this. It seems like we are always vacuuming. Thank you so much for sharing this great product.
Angela Thomas says
This looks amazing! I have two kids, two dogs, and a cat which calls for regular sweeping. It would be nice to have an auto floor cleaner that I can set to run.
Tamra Phelps says
Ok, I think I want this! It would be nice to have something clean up after my nephews & niece!
Deborah D says
Ideal for small rooms.
Jane Ritz says
I really need one of these babies. I've had back surgery and vacuuming leaves me in major pain.
Julie Huffaker says
I could really use one of these, but I think my Mom REALLY could use one, it would cut down her cleaning time by a lot!
David Smith says
This floor cleaner looks like it would be great to have. We bought a cheap floor sweeper and it really doesn't work well at all. I like that this one has different attachments for different kinds of floors. The automatic recharging station is pretty cool too. I'd love to get one for our home.
Penni says
What a fantastic product! I especially love its advanced sensor technology and UV lamp - awesome!
Cheryl McCalister says
That would be amazing, but I would have to do some serious decluttering before I could use it!!!
Teresa Criddle says
This is so cool! I would love to have one of these. I think it would be awesome!!
Shannon says
This is so awesome, thank you for your review. I would love to have one.
Michele Ash says
Thanks so much for the Terrific Review on the bObi, the Intelligent Floor Cleaner! I love this thing! It's just too neat! I have carpeting all throughout my house and in the review it does say it works on carpeting! I would love to have this bObi running around my floors and cleaning them for me! The dogs may not like it, however, I'd Love it! I've seen a few of these type vacuums, however, this seems to be the nicest one I've seen by far! Thanks for the terrific review and for all the information and pictures you've shared with us! Have you seen the new commercial yet? It's for one of these little vacuums like bObi and it says something to the effect that it's a new toy for your child and there's a little girl riding on it! It's so cute! Thanks again, Michele 🙂
Shirley Smith says
I love the fact that I can program the Bobi and know it will do it's job when programmed to. I also love the fact that it has the charging system and not batteries. The bobi looks like it is very smart and easy to operate. Which is a big help for any busy Mom, Grandma, Dad or anyone else. Loved the review too.
sherry butcher says
This sounds like the answer to my problem of not having time to get to all the floors everyday. I have a black dog and light floors so it needs to be cleaned every day and your idea of running it over night would be perfect - after my dog learned not to bark at it.
Leah says
Oh geez! I would love something like this! I hate sweeping my floors and I have mostly hardwood so this would be amazing!
M.Clark says
The bObi looks like a great little device, I'd love to have one. I like that it comes with a remote control that allows you to navigate it manually if you want. Thank you for sharing this review.
Lisa Coomer Queen says
Yes, this is definitely what I need for my floors. All hardwoods and tile.
Marti Tabora says
I would so love to have one of these, when I was a kid we could only dream of something like this to help us with our housework.
Nicole K says
I need something like this I have hardwood floors and a crappy back, it stinks bending over to pick up all he dirt. I'd love to sit and watch this work.
Nicole K says
Great review I need one of these. It'd make cleaning a snap with all my hardwood floors.
Barrie says
I've not heard of this brand but after your review, I'll be checking it out. Sounds great
lori gordon says
i have always wanted one of these, my inlaws have one and it is so good and cool
Jo-Ann Brightman says
This sounds like a marvelous little,cleaning robot. I love how she can be placed on a schedule and knows when to go,recharge herelf.
Debbie Beck says
I really like the appearance of the bObi......and the fact that it has attachments....I would be thrilled to have one in MY home!!
Deborah D says
Great for a small apartment
Jenny B says
This is really tempting! I hate sweeping.
Jennifer Jones says
I love this review. It was the first time that I've heard of this product. But after reading your review, doing some further research, watching some video footage online, etc, I decided to order one and give it a try. I can't wait for it to arrive!
Theresa Hover says
This seems like such a great product to have 🙂 However, my dog would hate it!
Karen Jaras says
That would be wonderful if it cold pick up the toys off the floor too.
Lily Kwan says
This floor cleaner looks very useful. Thanks for sharing!
Christina Strapp Lambert says
This is pretty cool! I have never heard of this brand before. Looks like it works pretty well.
Beth R says
I love that this works so well on hardwood floors. Normally my vacumn misses so much and never can gets the hardwoods done well. I wish there was a video of how it works
Linda Mannst says
This sounds so nice. I would love to have this so I could turn it on, let it clean while I do other things. Thank you for sharing
Brianne says
Wow thanks for sharing that great review! I would love to try one of these! We have just begun baby led weaning with my six month old so I predict many messes in my future 😉
Cathy Philipps says
This would be fun but it would scare the life out of my cat!
Dee Lafrenz says
I have a variety of surfaces in our home, hardwood, vinyl, and carpet. I would love that this can do all the surfaces. Especially in the winter tracking in salt.
Penni says
What a fantastic product to have "at your service" every day! Most awesome is the advanced sensor technology and the UV lamp - leaving nothing to be desired!
Brigid OHara Koshko says
I have always wanted one of these. I have 15 (rescued) critters, two sports fanatic kids and a husband who works as a contractor. I am always vacuuming! It is very hard to find a product that handles both carpet and tile. This sounds like the perfect machine to handle both and help me keep the house cleans.
Suzanne Bernier says
I think this is so cool and I've wanted to get one for a long time. Maybe I should stop putting it off and just get one already.
Deborah D says
What a neat little vacuum!
Jo-Ann Brightman says
It is wonderful that the blue bristles are specifically designed to pick up pet and human hair.
Betsy Barnes says
Great review! I would love to get my mom one of these. She hates using the vacuum because it is so heavy for her. This would really be nice for her 🙂
Judy maharrey says
this is so impressive! i have to gey ome. this is a must for every mother in the world. so convient and easy to use, and cleans with uv light. thats all you need.
mary czerczyk says
I would love to have one. I especially like the fact that it is rechargeable. I hate messing with anything that takes batteries.
Buddy Garrett says
This intelligentt floor cleaner would make cleaning the floors easy, I would love to be able to program a time for cleaning as I am always putting off this task.
Richard Hicks says
I love it. It would be perfect to keep that every day dirt that builds up cleaned automatically
laurie nykaza says
This looks so amazing with all the cat hair in my house this would help me out will have to check into one .
Cindy B says
This device looks like it could certainly be very useful.
Lisa Garland says
I want a Bobi!! My hardwood floors get so dusty, this would be great!!
Christina H says
This sounds so great! We could totally use this, especially since we our dog is a major shedder!
Veronica Bohan says
I wish I had a hardwood floor to be robot cleaned
Deborah D says
i the programability of it.
Tamra Phelps says
I need one of these! We all need a robot to vacuum for us!
Joy says
Our house has only hardwood floors, so something like this would be fun and so helpful.
Dee Lafrenz says
Nice way to clean floors, this looks like it would be nice to use!
Mare W says
I am impressed with this little wizard of a machine! This is a great review covering packaging (cute), assembly (easy), parts for maintenance (few), ways it can clean (wet or dry), programming (nice!) and environmentally friendly (rechargeable). I enjoyed reading it and would love to own one myself someday!
Stephanie M says
I would love to have something like this!
md kennedy says
I'd love to have one of these. EXCEPT: I have a cat. He'd either a) be terrified for life or b) never leave it alone!
Christi Bailey says
These look so neat! I think I would love it!
Robyn Geist says
I would love one of these! I could wake up every morning to a floor with no dog hair!
Mark H says
We have the pet hair model that came from Groupon, and it is the best thing to get up with no dog hair on the carpet. As home office workers, my wife and I have it scheduled to run at 6:30 in the morning so it can clean while we're working. It usually finishes in our kitchen (where he lives) by the time we're ready to have coffee and breakfast before work. One thing I have noticed, however, is that it beats the daylights out of our carpeted areas and gets clogged with the regular brush, and we sent away for the softer Blö (Blue) Brush for our model, which comes with bObi. More to come on that when we get it in the mail.
Ana says
Really looking forward to getting mine in the mail. Groupon has them on sell for $270.00. Hopefully it does as well as all the reviews say 🙂
Richard Hicks says
This robot sweeper would make cleaning a lot easier and fun too
polly says
Our entire downstairs is tile so this would be perfect and I am so sick of dust mopping dog hair daily. This is pretty cool!
Sarah Elyce says
What an impressive vacuum. We have hardwood floors also and 2 dogs so I be that thing would pick up quite a bit of fur.
Linda Mannst says
This is so nice. I wish I had one of these. It would save me alot of cleaning time. Thank you for sharing
DanielleD says
Sounds great ! We are building a new house that is much bigger
& I'm nervous about keeping it clean with baby #2 on the way !
Blair says
With 2 dogs and a cat, I NEED this!
tiffany f says
This is one of the best inventions ever!!!! Sweeping is one chore that I don't enjoy, having hardwood floors in my house makes it impossible to avoid. I would love to get on of these! I am definitely going to do my best to sweet talk hubby into buying one! Thanks for sharing this review!!!
Bri Sherman says
This. is. awesome. I would love to not have to do household chores!!
Natalie Brown says
This is such a cool product! I like that you can "tell" it what to do. If I had quite a bit of floor space, I'd certainly like to have this. Good for you!!
David Fultner says
My neighbor has one and loves it. I do not think my dogs could take it.
Dorothy Hubbard says
This sounds like just what I need with my bad back. I can't stand for any length of time to seep my floors or vacuum, so this could replace a cleaning service that does that job.
Angel Hacke says
That was helpful. thank you.
Hannah Avery says
Wow, your floors look awesome! I think I would be afraid that my little ones would mess with the charging station or with her, and screw it all up! But, it must be nice not to have to really do floors!
Karly Pauls says
Thank you for your review! I just placed my ordered and await the arrive of our new bObi!!
denise says
that could be really useful to me since I get really less time for cleaning. however how much charging is required? daily?