Every day, I am more and more impressed (and sometimes shocked) with how many things my children pick up on. They can repeat stories, remember details and emotions, and solve problems based on things they've seen and learned from their friends and teachers. Its making me take a good look at what they're learning and where they are getting their information, and I want to make sure that it is clean and wholesome! I like to think that I didn't turn out too crazy or irrational, and I've been looking back to how my mother taught me religious stories, values, and about trying to be like Jesus. I learned a lot in Sunday School from kind teachers, but I think I can credit most of my religious values and understanding back to our living room, where my dad would read us the scriptures and my mom would make it come to life with visual aids and (my favorite): felt stories! I was taken back to my childhood when I looked over Betty Lukens felt sets and asked to partner with them for this review.
Betty Lukens carries a huge variety of bright and attractive felt sets like "Let's Play House", "Adventures in Space", "Under the Sea", and even "Basic Learning: Colors, Shapes and Numbers". These sets come with a felt play board and a plastic storage bag, and all of the pieces are pre-cut. One of the most popular sets is the Children's Bible in Felt, and we were lucky to get to try out six of them. I was pretty excited to show my kids what felt stories are all about, especially because they are already familiar with these stories.
Right out of the packaging, I was so pleased with the bright colors and the intricate artwork. The colors are so rich! The felt is a high quality 100% polyester felt that feels strong and very unlikely to pill or fall apart or attract lint over time. These are nothing like the linty, frail, and weak felt I envisioned from my memories. Yet, everything looked SO familiar, and its very possible that this is the very felt brand I grew up loving because Betty Lukens has been manufacturing quality visual felts for over 35 years! Clearly, they've mastered their felt production because the materials are really top notch.
Don't forget to pick up a Felt Storyboard! For the same cost of a bible set ($13.95), this felt board measures 12" by 14" and it provides the beautiful solid backdrop for your stories. I think it feels like the perfect size to comfortably hold in one hand while you add and remove the felt with your other. The felt-on-felt connection is strong enough to hold the felt pieces up in place, and there is no sticking, peeling, or residue leftover as you interchange them and tell the stories again and again! Some of the larger Betty Lukens felt sets come as large sheets ready to cut, where you cut out each picture yourself, but these kid's bible sets all come pre-cut so there is no prep or assembly required.
These felt pieces really make the stories come alive! Honestly, my kids put up a little fuss when I told them it was time for some stories, but the moment I started, my three and four-year-old were both completely engrossed, and long enough to sit through four stories in a row. Even the 7-month-old baby seemed to really enjoy them! You can capture even the youngest child's attention with hands-on pictures like these. After I would tell each story, the boys took turns repeating the stories with these felts that act like stickers but never lose their 'stick'. Keep in mind that a lot of these pieces are very small, and could be considered choking hazards for little babies, but the larger pieces are perfectly safe being handled (and slobbered on) by tiny children, and will look no worse for wear afterwards.
I am actually a youth teacher in our church congregation right now, but I teach a darling class of pre-teen girls, and I only wish I was teaching a younger group so that I could bring my felt along! Well, I guess I still could, but I would say these are probably intended for up to age 8-10. These sets are GOLD for Sunday School teachers! If you anticipate teaching children of your own, at Sunday School, or perhaps even at Vacation Bible School, investing in a few of these sets would not be a bad idea! If you are homeschooling this year, definitely look into all of the fun play sets as well as the educational magnets!
All of Betty Lukens products are manufactured here in the US, and because I've been completely impressed and pleased with these products, I'll happily be recommending them to my friends, fellow teachers, and moms.
Connect: You can connect with Betty Lukens on Facebook, and follow them on Twitter.
Buy it: You can purchase these Kid's Bible Felt Sets for $13.95 each on the Betty Lukens website.
Win it: One winner will receive ALL 7 Bible sets!
Open to the US only, ages 18 and up. Ends on Sept. 23rd at 11:59 PM EST.
Enter using the Giveaway Tools form below. Good Luck!
Disclosure: I (Camille) received six Bible felt sets at no cost to facilitate this review. All opinions are my own. One winner will be randomly selected using the Giveaway Tools random selector and notified via email. Once notified, the winner will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, or Google. Void where prohibited.
Kathy K. says
I like the glass magnets and the interior layout with overlays.
Mindy says
I would not mind having some of the magnets sets
Lisa Garland says
I also like the all dressed up playset.
Patricia Hoffmeister says
I'd really like all the magnetic sets, but if I had to choose one, it would be the Birthday Magnetic Set.
Gabrielle says
Love the Learning the ABCs magnets!! So fun!
sarah white says
I love the magnetic sets as well as the felt sets!
Amber Ludwig says
I love the zoo and space set as well!! What a great way to teach the kiddos and get them involved in story time!!
Suzy Roberts says
The Tabernacle set is amazing! I imagine it would make something that can be so confusing to us, much mode clear for the little ones. What a great way to visualize the details. Love it!
Rachel says
The large deluxe bible set
Ashley Kiener says
I would love to win the complete set! If I had to choose one I'd choose the Creation felt set.
Melissa S says
My boys would LOVE the magnet sets.
Jamie B says
THe grandpa and grandma farm sets would be great church toys for my son to play with quietly in the pews.
jennifer peters says
we love animals-especially the zoo & under the sea
Elizabeth Johnson says
Love the deluxe bible set. Im sure my kids would love creation with all the animals and plants !!
Joy says
I also liked the magnet sets.
Jennifer Odom says
I would love the color and counting magnet set!
D Caswell says
the felt activity sets looks perfect for teaching and independent play, the educational magnet sets look great too
Heather H says
Hi! Thanks for hosting this give-away! I would love to own the Fruit of the Spirit, Christian Armor, Learning ABCs, and North American Desert sets. They are so fun 🙂
Haley Cook says
I would like to have one of the magnet sets.
Tracy V. says
Thank you for writing this blog! Your photos are particularly helpful. And your kids are adorable! <3
LisaB says
I would love the large deluxe set!
Elisha says
I'd love to have any of these sets for my 3 and 4 year old girls! The zoo set would probably be their favorite.
Deborah D says
Deluxe Bible Set
Ani W says
I'd love the let's play house set. My daughter would love all of them!
Evelyn Priest says
I would love to own the large deluxe set as well as the farm sets of felt.
LeAnn H says
I want the fun on the farm set
ellen Kowal says
Fruit of the Spirt set!
Ashley Chassereau Parks says
I would love to have the farm set and the Adventures in Space sets also!!
Michele Ash says
I visited the website and they have so many nice things for kids to learn! I really love Let's Play House! This would be a terrific play tool for my Scarlett! She loves putting things together and will be amazed that these are not magnets and stick to the board! LOL Thanks so much for asking! Michele 🙂
Ronda T. says
I would love to have the delux bible set
Cory Adkins says
I would love to see those felt books. Those would be great for our church nursery!
Amanda says
The magnet sets are really cute as well.
Jennifer Mckinstry says
These Felt Bible sets look like so much fun!
Julie Lundstrom says
I would like the under the sea play set.
Gretta says
I love the File Organizing System too!
Mia says
I would like to have the creation set in the kids bible in felt.
Amber Sumner says
I love the ABC felt board and also the shapes and colors one
Laura says
I also like the Felt Bible Stories Book!
Jennifer M says
The glass magnets are adorable!
Amanda Alvarado says
I also like the All Dressed UP and Under the Ocean sets!
Ashley says
I would love to own any materials from Berry Lukens to be honest, if I could choose anything however, I would choose the small Deluxe Set of Through the Bible in felt. The quality is amazing. I'm teaching Sunday School for preschoolers at my church and spent some time researching ideas and teaching strategies for reaching their interest level. That's when I found Betty Lukens. My pastor allowed us to order a set of the Through the Bible in felt and we received it in the mail last week. I am amazed. And so excited to get this cut out and put to use. I am a stay-at-home momma and am thinking seriously of homeschooling my 2-1/2 year old when he gets school age. I would love to have a small felt set for us to use at home together starting now even. It's never to early to learn about the life and love of Jesus! 🙂
Shannon F. says
I like the Delux Bible Set, this would be great to do with my son!
Judith Martinez says
I like the ABC set.
Maddy says
The birth of Jesus set would be great, especially around Christmas to learn why we celebrate Christmas :o)
Lisa Dorsett says
I also like the zoo animals and safari animals educational magnets! The kids love animals!
Laura meza says
I like the fruit of the spirit set
Toni says
I like the animals around the world. I really liked most of them definitely going to look into this for presents.
Mare Wagenbach says
I also like the felt board sets called Fun In The Sun and Animal Park Zoo. But I really do like these Biblical ones! Great for Sunday School teachers.
Terri S. says
I would love to have the Let's Play House Felt Play Board Set. My 2 granddaughters (sisters) would love it!
Hannah Avery says
The deluxe Bible set would be awesome to have!
Mandy P says
I love the Farm Fun Magnet set! Adorable 🙂
Mandy P says
The Farm Fun Magnet set is adorable!
Linda Mannst says
I would love to have the Deluxe Bible Set. This is so nice
Melissa H says
I would love to win and give to my church.
Miriam Matheny says
I think my little boy would enjoy the colors and counting magnets
Jessica White says
I absolutely love the magnetic sets too!! What a awesome learning tool!!!
Anel says
I would love to own the Noah's Ark set! Thank you!
Lily Kwan says
The Under the Sea felt play board set looks very nice!