Winter is here and it's the perfect time to learn about the do's and don'ts of car seats and coats. See why puffy winter coats are a big no-no for your little child's safety.
When the temperatures dip, it's inevitable that we want to bundle up our little ones to keep them warm and cozy. Unfortunately, being a little overzealous in this department can put our children in danger when they're buckled into their car seats. In the midst of a chilly winter, now is the perfect time to educate ourselves about the car seats dangers of children wearing puffy winter coats. That's why I've teamed up with Diono to bring you these do's and don'ts for car seats and coats.
Allana Pinkerton, Certified Child Passenger Safety Instructor and Global Safety Advocate for Diono, has a list of tips for us and a great infographic to help you how to figure out how to dress your child on cold days to keep them safe (and warm!) while riding in the car.
The Dos and Don'ts of Car Seats and Coats
Tips by: Allana Pinkerton, Global Safety Advocate for Diono
BIG DON'T: Never place a child in a car seat with a thick, bulky winter coat because the harness might not be snug enough to perform as it should during a crash.
WHY? If they are wearing a thick coat, the padding in the coat will not allow you to snug up the harness correctly and the harness will actually be loose on the child. The padding in the coat will compress during a crash until it gets to the body which doesn't allow the child to ride the crash down appropriately.
Important to note: Car seat manufacturers cannot determine if it is safe to use a thick winter coat because they do not crash test with coats on the test dummies. They do test for misuse and they can determine if a loose harness causes injury.
DO: Follow the car seat manual for proper harness fit, installation and use. The manuals are written based on crash test data.
DO: Use an appropriate car seat no matter what the weather conditions are outside.
DO: If there are no safety issues in doing so, heat up the car ahead of time.
DO: Put a thin fleece jacket on your baby, toddler or older child.
DO: Put a toboggan hat and gloves on your child. This definitely helps retain some internal warmth.
DO: For a newborn baby, many infant carrier car seats come with a "warming boot" to put over the baby. If not, one may be purchased from the manufacturer of the car seat or they may have approved the use of one manufactured by another company.
DO: Throw a blanket around your child when carrying them out to the car to keep them warm. (If you are super nice, you might have even warmed it up in the dryer first.)
DO: Place them in the harness and snug it up. Then you can place the blanket over them so it doesn't interfere with the harness and tuck it in around the child's sides. To avoid the possibility of suffocation do not put the blanket near their head.
So, what does this look like in action? I did a little demonstration with my little lady. I put her in a puffy winter jacket then followed Allana's tips and placed her in her Diono Radian RXT (shown below with the Diono Angle Adjuster) without the coat and sure enough, the harness fit totally different and there was a lot of extra slack when I compressed the coat.
I'm so passionate about car seat safety and I really appreciate Diono for sharing these safety tips. I've been fortunate enough to review the Diono Radian RXT and travel across the country with the Diono Rainier and could not be more pleased with their amazing car seats. I have such peace of mind knowing my kids are in car seats made from premium materials and that have thoughtful safety features like a steel alloy frame, aluminum reinforced side walls, and energy absorbing EPS foam. I also love that Diono car seats allow for extended rear-facing.
Disclosure: I received a Diono Radian RXT to facilitate this post. All opinions are my own. Amazon links are affiliate links and contribute to the cost of running this website.
Sandy Tsoi says
These are good tips for our baby safety.
Orianna says
Can't find where to comment but I would love to be entered! We have 3 boys and our 6month old is too big for his baby seat. Need to upgrade asap.
Bernice Sanchez says
I totally couldn't find out how to comment either so I hit reply on yours 😛
Kaitlyn Moran says
This looks like an amazing carseat! Thanks for the chance to win!
Mary F. says
I love that the harness goes up to 80 pounds. My son has autism and we need to use a harness longer then most car seats allow.
Tiffany Schmidt says
I found a great product called the Cozy Woggle. It acts as a coat, but zips off safely once in the car!
Janet W. says
These are great tips. I drive my grandson to preschool in the mornings and I make sure to warm up the car ahead of time so he isn't getting into a freezing car. I don't put his jacket on until we get to school once I'm getting him out of the car. He covers up with a blanket when he's in his seat to stay extra warm.
Alicia Hewitt says
This very good information that I did not know. New parents everywhere should read this article.
Dandi D says
I've always done this for my children, but I recently realized that it's not safe for adults to wear puffy winter coats while driving either.
Tanya says
Great tips!
Brianna Blythe says
I will never keep my daughter in a jacket while in her carset.
Elizabeth D. says
Very good information!
jenn p says
We love our noggle for those extra cold days
Jennifer Taylor says
This is a great article. Two kids in and I'm still learning.
Kristina c says
Thanks for the awesome article. Some family members think I'm crazy as we don't do winter coats in the car with my three kids. We do big a&a dream blankets after they are buckled and ready to go. I will share this article with them when they say something 🙂
Christie says
Yep. I always do this. Though convincing my 2 year old to take off his favorite Winter coat once in the car, is not always an easy task.
Hillary Tinkle says
Thanks for the info!
Amanda L says
Great read! We follow all of these. I'm forwarding this to a few new mommies to be!
Kaitlin Krieger says
Great information!! Thanks for continuing to educate our moms and keep babies safe!
Dominique Mellinger says
I love reading educational articles like this one! Car seat safety is so important and it scares me how many people don't know what is or isn't safe for their precious babies!
Tamar Stalvey says
Great info! I wish it was mandatory that parents be told this information. I cringe when I see coated children getting out of car seats.
Krista Speer says
It can be difficult to remove the coat, but do it! You never know what could happen.
Stacy Nelson says
Great article! I know all this stuff now, but wish I'd known when my son was a newborn and I took him home from the hospital in a giant snowsuit.
Katie says
Thanks! Good tips!
Kristin Burkholder says
I didn't realize that the fuzzy car seat liners were a "don't". We were gifted one.
Lorna McHone says
Thank you for the info. We live in a very warm part of Texas and never need more than a jacket but this is valuable information.
Jessica says
I'm so glad I knew about tips like these before my son was born! I'm glad people are working to get the dos and don'ts out there better! Maybe we can save more children's lives!
Alison S. says
Super informative! I love the infographic. Perfect to share with new parents!
Alyssa E. says
This is super helpful and interesting. I always wraps the kids in a blanket before going outside.
Haley Hicks says
This is so informative.
Molly Bryson says
These are great tips to help keep our littles safe!
Aimee Murphy says
It makes total sense not to put the belt on with the coat. I also feel that a lot of times parents aren't putting the chest strap on correctly and are not tightening all the way.
Kasie Tillman says
I see this on Facebook so often. I live in Louisiana and we don't have this issue here as often as up north. People dont seem to realize how big of an issue it really is. Thanks for bringing attention to this!
Brittany Simkins says
Great information. Thanks!
Tina M says
I always have my daughter take her "winter" coat off when she goes in the carseat. These tips are awesome.
Lynn Green-Ivey says
Luckily, we don't have to worry about this very often (we live in South Texas and our winters tend to be about 60 and sunny every day)!! But, these are such important tips that I see parents mess up all the time. Thanks for the great info!
Samantha Marshall says
Great tips! I will definitely share wit my friends!
Kristen Parsons says
Great tips!! It is a very informative article!
Aivry Dunn says
Great tips! Luckily in Florida, we don't have to worry so much about heavy coats.
Lauren Anderson says
These are great tips! Often in the south it doesn't get super cold so I think that the "no big coats" rule sometimes gets forgotten because it doesn't get cold enough for big coats very often!
Jessica B says
Thanks for the tips! Lots of helpful advice!
Melissa says
I'm in the process of making a poncho. Winter will probably be over before I'm done with it though lol
renee says
Great tips. Thanks for the information
Brittney says
I'm so glad that these sites are out there for people to know how to keep their kids safe.
Jennifer Shaffer says
Thanks for the info!
Gayle says
Great tips. I'm soon to be a first time grandma.
Melissa says
I always take coats off in the car and leave hats on and cover with a warm blanket.
Jennifer S says
Those are very helpful tips
Patricia says
Thanks for the info!
Larry Ferris says
Great tips!
Lucille West says
Thank You for all the good advice I will be using a lot of it.
Tracey says
This is our first child. Thank you for the very helpful information on carseat safety!
Allison R. says
Some great tips!
Amy G says
Thank you for sharing
Laurie L. says
I loved reading your post and seeing the giveaway. We were recommended one of these carseats for our baby to make it easier to fit three seats across but they're out of our price range.
Lindsay says
So many things that I didn't realize as a first time mom.
Kris M says
These are great! Thanks
Snookie says
I love these tips!
Kylie Capo says
Great information! We have three in car seats and most of this I didn't know.
Kylie M. says
Im glad we live in a warm place that I dont have to typically deal with this
Marilyn says
Great tips!
Sarah says
These are great tips. Thanks for all the information on keeping my little ones safe.
Heidi Jones says
defanitly good advice
Jennifer Kreisler says
I keep a twin sized quilt in the car in case of emergencies-- and to be the topper once the kids are in the car in the cold season. I have 3 in a row in the back seat so they all share the quilt and in turn share body heat.
Renea clark says
I repost these articles a lot ... Still I see friends and family.members making majir mistakes.
Ashley H says
This is such important info. It amazes me how many bundled kids I see getting in and out of seats at daycare
Samantha says
Good to know.
Andrea Mc says
Then, of course, you have a kid who pulls off everything they can the second the car door closes 🙂
Ashton Babcock says
Great tips!
Cathy C says
Great information and ...cute babies!!!
Michele Tierney says
I love all of the ideas. We use hoodies and hats and blankets with 3 across they snuggle and keep warm!
Marissa Thompson says
We always use blankets. Since we're in Florida we don't get as much cold weather but great info to know
Yvonne says
Love that seat !
Jessica Olejniczak says
Drives me crazy all the people who leave their kids coats on them when they put them in their seats.
Elizabeth says
Thanks for the great tips!!!
Christina peters says
Coats in the car seat are one of my pet peeves! We just use lots of light layers and cozy blankets over the harness.
Harmony Alonso says
Great article.
Melissa Rodeffer says
I don't put my youngest daughters jacket on while in her carseat I put her in buckle her up and put the jacket on backwards so it does not interfere with the straps this is what her doctor told me to do with her.
Paige Smith says
Great tips (didn't know about the snow suits)
Christina says
These are great tips, I'm a FTM and o didn't know that about not using bulky coats in car seats, thanks.
Linda Franks says
These tips are very helpful!!!
Sara leider says
I found this article extremely informative. .I had no idea of the dangers of wearing a thick coat in a car seat. Thank you!
Snowy cheung says
Great tips
Megan says
Whenever I see kids with their coats on in the carseat it makes me cringe because I know how dangerous it can be. I think it's important that this information gets shared so more people become aware and can save their children's lives.
Rija says
Thanks for the tips,always good to reread do's and don'ts !
holly w says
I wish more people could understand this, thank you so much this article is wonderful. Love the tips you gave us
Lisa W says
Good info for all.parents to read!
Alyssa Rohrer says
Hats and blankets is what we use, coat gets put on when we are getting out of the vehicle. It makes me cringe to see little ones all bundled up in their car seats.
Kelly Richardson says
I find it so irritating to have to remove coats for all 3 of my children, but know important it is. I wish everyone would see how imperative it is to remove the coats.
Susan Campbell says
Very good information!! Thanks!!
Debbie_Vine says
This was a very helpful post.
Meredeth B says
After baby is buckled in the car seat, I like to tuck a blanket flat under his legs so he's practically sitting on it, then bring it out and over his toes and back up to tuck around his waist. This makes it so the blanket doesn't get kicked off but his legs and toes are covered and warm.
Hana Boccella says
This was a very good article. I learn new things about carseat saftey just when i thought i had it down! Thanks for the info!!
Krystal Barnes says
I'm always telling people this! Great post!
Liz Ross says
I've been trying to explain the importance of this for ages. I'll show this to my husband!
Brittany Kruchan says
This article has a ton of good info. I will share this with my fellow parent friends!
Beverly Guajardo says
Great information. All parents need to read this. Thanks for sharing.
Jessica Pulliam says
If we wear any coats in the car it's just a single layer fleece jacket. Normally little babies just get covered with a blanket and wear a hat.
Kristien D. says
Such useful information. I wish more parents knew about this. I still see children in the winter buckled in in their heavy winter coats. Heck, I even see infants not properly strapped in anytime of the year! Safety is always my 1st priority with my babies.
Krystal Clough says
I was so grateful that a friend shared this info with me when my first child was a baby. I would have never thought about it!
Natasha says
Such great tips!
It drives me crazy being told that LO is cold and needs a jacket. These tips definitely solidify my point
Stephanie Teague says
Love this article. We always put a thin jacket over a long sleeve shirt with a hat and blankets. He never says he is cold and save the coat for anytime we are outside for longer than a few minutes.
Liz L says
Great educational tips! My daughter knows to take her puffy coats off when getting in a carseat, she teaches her friends to do the same!
Amy M says
While living in south Alabama, we rarely need winter coats, but this is good info for the few times we do!
Devon Rose Atwood says
It may take some fancy gymnastics to get a coat on a toddler in the back of a two door after she is out of the car seat, but I'd do the fancy gymnastics was even if she was in a clown car. No regrets, safety first! ^_^
Megan Helton says
So thankful for people who teach others about car seat safety. It's something I'm very passionate about as well. <3
Kristen Accardi says
Coats in car seats are so dangerous! Thank you for sharing with the public who might not know!
Erin A Johnson says
Helpful tips, especially for those of us who are torn between how to keep the kiddos warm and safe.
Jessica Moss says
Great info!
I never thought about the puffy coat being dangerous except for overheating. Good to know!
Brandi McBride says
For our toddler we have him wear a light fleece in the car seat and put his coat on before we get out of the car. Baby just gets a blanket over his seatbelt!
Kacie says
I'm surprised how many people don't know about not wearing coats in the car seat. I try to get the word out to all my mommy friends. Great article!
Linda White says
So important to not put the coat actualy on the child!
Mia says
When my oldest was an infant. I had no idea if car seat safety. I cringe when I look back at some of her infant car seat pictures. This post is simple and easy to follow. An it's not an overwhelming read to tired parents.
Raven Hudsom says
Love knowing what is safe to protect my son.
Tiffany says
Thank you for all the important information. A must needed article to share
Sheri Bernal says
These are great tips for car seat safety! Definitely warm up the car if possible and safe and I use blankets!
Deborah says
I try advocate this!
Heather Eavers says
My mother always makes me feel like a bad parent for not having a warm coat on my baby. But this is exactly why! I am going to seND this article to her 🙂
Sasha Marie Klein says
I do this every time we visit Minnesota, light jacket and blankets over straps to keep our son safe and warm
kellyanne says
Awesome tips! thanks for sharing & educating those who may not know the dangers!
sharon bugar says
I have a grand daughter in pre school and I am concerned about her safety at all times. I want to make sure she is buckled in the correct way and I appreciate your article showing the wrong and correct manor in which to install the car seat.
Anna Delano says
I never put my my daughter in her carseat with a coat
Amber Ludwig says
So much yes!! Im so glad that you included to follow the manual!! So many people dont and use/clean their seats incorrectly!! How scary!
Tori Parkinson says
This is easier said than done when you live in a place with freezing temperatures. We tried this for an entire day of running errands and my son was shivering the whole day (it was only 9 degrees out) and so cranky from being cold. I will never put him through that again. And yes, we did layer (thermal, tshirt, fleece, hoodie, hat, and gloves). I tighten the straps tight around his coat, problem solved.
Candy says
We always have lots of blankets in the car to keep warm
carly says
This is great advice! I have two little ones now and i am always trying to figure out how to keep them warm!
Jill M says
Great tips!!! Sadly, just yesterday I had a comment made to me while taking my son's jacket off when putting him in the car. :/ sigh
Tiffany Evans says
We do toboggans and blankets. Putting the coat on backwards is a neat idea. I always just bring it in the car and put it on once we reach our destination.
Kristy Hurt says
Thankfully I have learned a lot more about car seat safety since having my second kid. I wish I had known more when my first was little. Thankfully he survived my mistakes. Know better, do better.
Natalie says
It is SO important, especially in the winter, to not place a child in a car seat with a big coat!
Kymn Ligi says
I learned just a year ago about the kids wearing coats, I'm so glad nothing ever happened to my daughter when we did that. We keep the vehicle warm or have a blanket on hand now. I usually put their coats on once we get to the destination.
Kimberly Stearns says
Thank heaven for remote start! My little hates jackets, but I didn't know they caused such a safety concern!
Kristal says
It was so good to show my husband these updates tips. I've never been comfortable putting the kids with big coats in their seats and glad that I haven't after seeing how my concerns were justified
jamie davis says
We live in Michigan where the winters get very cold. I made my daughter a car seat poncho so I wouldn't have to worry about her safety or being cold.
Emerald Katzmaier says
Great information
Carlyn Parker says
Great tips! Gotta make sure everyone is safe in the car. So many parents don't realize they aren't following safe car seat rules.
Christopher Collupy says
Thanks for the great tips!
tiffany Guzman says
Great information for all parents to know
tiffany Guzman says
Great information for all parents to know. Hope this saves a babies life.
Sophia Felder says
Great info
mindee says
It seems no matter how much you educate someone , we will know someone who still does this. It drives me crazy. Great reminder to parents about extra coats and blankets
Valarie brodt says
It's needs to be more widely advertised the the inserts like the Eddie bower are not safe I see so many people using them.
Erica says
good information
Laurie Kelly says
Good tips
Susan W says
I wish more people knew this! Too many people wear puffy clothing in the car
Dana Geyer says
Such great tips!! I didn't realize winter coats created such a slack on the harness. I will definately be using these tips. Thank you!
Elizabeth Diffenbaugh says
Love this! We love in Wisconsin and have gotten really good at hearing car, running bundled toddlers there, and removing the top later (puffy coat) to buckle in and go! It only takes a couple of more minutes! I an a big advocate for car seat safety! Some parents just don't know! Car seat safety is for are caregivers who want to see their little one survive if an accident should happen! Sharing this post!
Deborah D says
This is a great reminder for everyone that has to take children places.
Rebecca Fogle says
These are great tips for little in their carseats! I have 2 littles and love knowing they are safer without their coats.
Devon Eaton says
I am so glad that people have researched that information. To help keep our children safe as possible.
Maryha A says
Love this. Thanks for spreading awareness 🙂
Patty P says
We use a fleece carseat poncho that was easy to make. It goes over her head with a hood and has a 2-way zipper up the front. I lift the back up and over the back of her seat when I put her in. I can easily unzip and get her buckled securely. Then I zip it up over the buckle and it works like a blanket with hood. Her carseat straps are secure underneath it all and when I take her out, the back falls over her shoulders and she's instantly covered again.
Lisa Grills says
More parents need to know and share this!!! I have 3 kids and didn't know till #3 that coats were not safe! So glad I didn't have to learn the hard way, and I tell anyone that will listen now!
Nancy says
Very good info.
Mary Standard says
Great article! One been looming into the diono radian rxt because of the safety features and great reviews
Thanks for the reminder about puffy coats. I didn't know this until winter hit this year and our daycare provider told us! !
Lizzy Covington says
Thank you for raising awareness about car seat use and winter warmth
Angela says
Good tips, thank you!
Kristi says
Thanks for the tips! It's crazy how many people still don't seem to understand that kids shouldn't wear coats in their carseats.
Jen Euby says
Great info!
Fallon Cesarini says
We always use a blanket with my daughter she loves riding in the car with her blankie!
Kim Goodrich says
I always appreciate people getting the word out about carseat safety. Lets keep these babies safe. Thanks for the article!
Courtney Roberts says
We always make our kiddos take off their coats when getting in the car. It takes a little longer to get out of the car when we get to where we are going, but it's worth it!
Nicole K. says
Great info. The same is true for adults too. You should never wear a winter coat because the seatbelt won't be tight enough.
valarie Alvarez says
It is always to see helpfully tips and to get the knowledge about carseat safty out there in a possitive way!
Laura Hipolito says
Great information!!!!
Kristi Blazewick says
Great tips, thank you
Lizette Anderson says
Thanks for the info!
Sabrina Meras says
These are great tips to keep baby safe while traveling in a car seat. Luckily for me, we live in sunny Southern California, so jackets are rarely ever needed, especially big puffy ones
Dana Bolton says
Good information! Everyone should have this info available, it could save your child's life!
Jennifer odom says
This is a great post on car seat safety! I'm glad you attached it to the giveaway!
Kris D. says
Great info, thanks for sharing!
Bonnie Velázquez says
I've been doing extensive research on car seats and car seat safety. Thanks so much for this post, it was incredibly informative. Keep up the great work.
Maryann says
This is very important for mothers to know.
There are so many great products on the market today that can help baby stay warm and safe at the same time.
JJ Wong says
Great, practical information and good reminders during the cold weather!
Emerald Barnes says
Good tips. I've never been fond of putting kids with large coats in car seats. Too much could go wrong.
Sattva says
Great reminders for everyone
Michelle J. says
We found that the Columbia 3 in 1 system is fantastic for car seats. The inner fleece is super thin but very warm and the outer layer can easily be zipped on when we arrive at our destination. We just don't snap the two sets together. Car seat blankets are also a great idea. We just recently started keeping a dream blanket in the car for each kid.
Miranda H says
These are great tips!
Quinn ann says
We always do a carseat poncho and it works great!
Kristina Sowers says
What a great article! Thank you!
ashley says
Finally a car seat giveaway that makes us discuss car seat safety!!
violet taylor says
ugh. my kids grandfather keeps putting them in car seats in their coats.
Alex Porter says
Great post. I'm familiar with the info, but a refresher around winter time is helpful for everyone!
Sasha says
Awesome infograph, thanks for sharing and writing about such an important topic.
haley tucker says
I wish I would've known more about this stuff when I brought my baby home in January 2 years ago. I thought stay puff marshmallow man was safe, yeah its not
Jamie Myers says
These are great tips, Anytime I see a post about this I share it. My hope is that somewhere one mom will read it and it saves their baby's life.
Christina Holliday says
Very important info! I always tell my husband not to buckle them in with their coats on!
N Bear says
Luckily we live in a place where we don't need coats.
Kristin K says
I'm so glad you wrote an article on this. I've seen too many people do this and it makes me cringe! Even with a thicker jacket it just looks like it's making it hard for Kirah to breathe!
fran brooks says
its so important to be up to date on car seat safety. wish more people would make sure they are informed.
Heather Dippold says
I have been following these guidelines since my oldest (almost 6) was a bay. Thanks for the article!
Angela VanNostrand says
I think people over react to this. It is common sense. The buckles need tight. Kids néed to be warm.but not over heated. Those buntings are way too warm for my kid. It's overkill.
Veronica s says
Great tips!!
Heather & Andrew S says
I have gotten so many comments on how they used to put babies in coats in car seats and I was silly for not putting coats on my baby in the car seat.
Mia says
Thanks for the tip on not having bulky coats on children in car seats. I wasn't aware that it could effect the harness not being tight enough but it sure makes sense.
C Gill says
Heidi says
I heard the no coat rule when I had my first baby, eight years ago. I understand why and we make sure to not have the kids wear coats in their car seats, but it is a pain in the butt. We have the kids put on their coats to go get in the car. Take off their coats to buckle them in. When we get where we're going we have to put their coats back on to get out of the car to walk inside. There's a lot of times I don't even bother with a coat unless it's really cold. I have 4 kids too, so multiply that by 4. I would never get anywhere.
Elisia says
Thank you for this article!! I hope this becomes common knowledge asap!!!
Lauren says
GREAT TIPS! I am always seeing Mom's or Dad's pic's with the don't I comment on it in a nice way, but always feel bad for the mom but we all gotta stick together right!
brenda glenn says
I wish I would have known all of this with my first.
Lori Beaney Tobin says
Good to know!! Wish I had known this when my kids were little!
Brittany Hardin says
This is so helpful! I have three still in carseats and with the cold weather still here jackets are a must! I always take them off once we get to the car and put it over them as a blanket but I never thought on putting it on backwards. I It will be so much easier next time!?
Ashley Chassereau Parks says
The coat & car seat safety issue makes me so glad it doesn't get too cold here too often. My kids have thin Columbia fleece coats and we keep blankets in the car. I love your photo illustration!!
Anna says
Great advice!
Jasmine patra says
Very useful tips
StacyM says
Car seat safety is such a big deal to me. I love it when I come across blogs & posts that I can repost and share my opinions without feeling like I'm stepping on toes or pushing my parenting mindset on someone else!
beth patt says
It's a good reminder about coats anymore I just put my kids in a thinner coat when I know we are just getting in and out of the car.
Hannah Storms says
Thank you for these tips!
Autumn says
It's always a good idea to have extra blankets in the car!
Chrissie W says
These are good tips. I had no idea about the foot muff, ours came with our infant seat.
Kristi federici says
Great tips! Very helpful information
Leesha says
Great tips
Jenna burris says
Great reminder. It's easy to want to get lazy with this as winter goes on. Thanks
Sha'rrell Haws says
I wish car seat safety was a requirement for new parents! The hospital requires a car seat and they check it for proper installation, but I truly think parents should be TRAINED in proper car seat installation (not just going to the fire department) AND its use..... People just don't know all they think they do......
Mindy says
Great tips!
Sarah C says
Great tips, thanks!
margo says
I HATE winter time with kids in carseats! I have found that just keeping a basket of blankets by the front door and wrapping them up until you buckle them then throw the blanket over them is WAY easier than coats! Throw the coats in the car if you are going to be hanging out outside for a while.
Nadine Bongio says
Great tips!
Tina P. says
So important for the safety of our little ones! my mom always thought that you put the baby in the carseat with the jacket until I showed her all of the research on how dangerous it can be! Definitely sharing this!
Sarina Boyd says
Great tips
Jen Geczi says
I love these tips. I do follow these and I think it's a great reminder each year.
Maria Altmiller says
Great tips!
Melissa L says
They also make coats that are like ponchos that u can put over seat belt so it is still against child clothes
Yasaman Best says
excellent tips
Somdad says
Thanks for the reminders!
Joye Rast says
Great tips to keep baby safe! We have always used blankets instead of heavy coats.
Christina Skinner says
All of these tips are so important and great reminders. Our children's safety is of the upmost importance and sometimes it's easy to get sloppy when you're doing the same thing day to day. I'm always checking the straps for correct height and to make sure they are tight enough.
Kimmie Kim says
This is super helpful! Thank you for sharing!
Alexandria Lawrence says
It's so great that a popular blogger spreads the important safety info on their blog!
Andrea Peregretti says
Thank you for this! I am all about carseat safety and learned some new tips!
Bonnie McMurry says
Great report on the subject
Shane O'Neill says
This is great article that all parents of young children should read. The timing couldn't be better with the freezing temps on the east coast right now.
Kat Bieb says
I wish this visual would come with the car seat instructions.
Tessa Beichner says
Definitely glad I read this. I feel like a horrible mom now because I've been putting a heavy coat on my son. I will not be doing that anymore.
Ruth V. says
Never feel horrible! Once we know better, we do better. I cringe at the fact that I used to put my son's infant car seat on top of the shopping cart handles, but at the time I didn't know any better.
valerie says
I am so glad we moved somewhere warmer before baby had her first winter. we don't even have a coat for her...
Christina says
Great tips! Car seat safety is really important to me and something that I'm passionate about.
Cynthia Grealis says
Sound advice!
Lisa Wolf says
Great advice!
Katie Hall says
Great info =]]
Aurora says
Great tips
Rosemary says
Love your products and all your helpful safety tips!
Claire Rheinheimer says
I cringe when I see pictures people post on Facebook with their kids wearing heavy coats. I've posted many times articles trying to educate people and it doesn't seem to be working. I wish people would pay more attention!
Lee burgess Dawson says
Helpful tips thanks for saving
Amber Gonzalez says
Glad this information is getting out there!
Lakynn says
Great post! I wish more people would heed these words!!!
Vanessa Mayer says
Thanks for the important info!
Alyssa morgan says
Great tips! Thanks for the info will be sharing!
Meg brock says
Great tips!! Thanks!!
Katrina says
Always good to have a reminder!
Charlene Connell says
Car seat safety is in my top 3, along with water safety and poison control.
Lauri F says
Thanks for sharing!
Nancy Jones says
This info is so important!! Thanks for sharing these tips!
Janet Benthin says
Great tips...thank you!
Sara Abernathy says
Good tips. It makes me sad when I see babies in their car seats in big jackets.
Jessica says
This is definitely getting pinned and shared often. I live in the middle of freezing miserable-ness in the winter, and I worry so much about everyone's kids.
Christina Buckner says
I have taught so many people about this with car seats! Such critical info!
Michelle Almeida says
I live in Florida, so lucky for me this isn't an issue.
Amy Southerland says
I would love the shadow color, or the plum, we actually are planning on buying one of these for our daughter when she outgrows her infant seat, which will be anytime, she's 5 months today and is in 12-18 month clothes and about an inch from the top of her infant seat.
Shilo Wheatley says
Great article! My in-laws didn't know that my son couldn't wear his coat in the car seat but I made sure to educate them on car seat safety when they bought a car seat for my son in their car.
Elizabeth Lumsden says
GREAT tips! Thanks so much for sharing. We want our little ones to be safe.
Holly says
I've raised 4 kids but now with a grandson I am finding there is so much more to learn now. Things that I did not know in the before. Thank you
Brooke Ragan says
Great reminders!!!
Lisa Giuliano says
My girls don't wear puffy wi yet coats in their car seats, only fleece approved coats or just a sweatshirt...?
Laravissant says
This is such an important safety rule and so few people seem to know it. I got a nasty note on my windshield the other day for not having a coat on my toddler, saying those few seconds of coming out of the car and getting wrapped in a blanket (in 40degree weather) would make him so sick. Well, no nasty person, he's fine, and I'd rather him alive if there is an accident!
Courtney Joyner says
It's so scary what can happen to a child when they are not put in their car seat correctly. I try to warm up the van before we leave so they can all be buckled in safely without a coat, but not freeze.
Imon says
The weather is so hit or miss where we live that when she needs to wear a heavy coat my daughter ditches it as soon as she gets in the car anyway.
Paula Adams says
Good Safety Tips for little ones and Car Seats! Especially when there are a few years between children; we somehow forget the must-do's for child safety.
Melissa G says
I wish more people knew about not putting kids in their jackets in the car.
angela says
I am so glad I live in Texas and don't have to worry about this very often
Elizabeth says
Awesome tips! Thanks for the big coat reminder.
Missy L says
I'm glad you are bringing awareness to this!
Rochelle Luaders says
Thanks for this. Now that I have been educated, my 3 yo gets strapped in w/o a coat,then we put it on him backwards. My older kiddos may have been strapped in with coats when they were little.. whoops.
Hope H. says
Amazing thank you Great tips
shelly thomas says
Thanks for the info
Sarah ward says
Such an important topic. Thanks for the tips!
Amanda says
Great advice!
Colleen Boudreau says
These are super helpful! Thanks!
Christin hardy says
Thanks for all the good info, glad to see info getting out with proper info. --CPST
Sandi says
Get information and very useful.
Julie says
This makes so much sense to me now, after reading it all. I have raised 4 children of my own and now have 2 grandchildren. I have always had to readjust the shoulder harness according to what jacket/coat they had on. It is a pain!
Marie I. says
I always love to see bigger bloggers use their reach to share car seat safety tips!
rschultzjr says
Amazing, alot of parents should read as some things are so easily overlooked, especially if your new to the parent world.
amy pease says
Thank you for writing this, im so sick of people making carseat safety mistakes!
Jessica Munro says
Great info!!
Brandy Sargent says
I did not know kids wasn't suppose to wear thick jackets in car seats. Thank you for the tips, especially putting the blanket in the dryer I do that at bed time but hadn't thought about it even going out. Thanks for the chance to win a free car seat. We're due for an upgrade & can't afford one with Sophie's Dad getting laid off & I know lots of families are in the same situation.
Jennifer B says
I really don't like it when I see other babies in their carseats with bulky coats on.
Alma says
This is so upsets me when I don't see a child in a car seat correctly...this is not a joke...been in horrible accidents and we have been blessed with our carseats
Alma says
This is so upsets me when I don't see a child in a car seat correctly...this is not a joke...been in horrible accidents and we have been blessed with our carseats. Please forget about comfort and convenience and think about safety
Misty smith says
I didn't know you weren't suppose to use coats in car seats until I had this baby. I have 5 total. So glad this information is now being spoken about.
Marla M says
I cringe when I see people not using proper car seat safety. It's so important!!!! I try to spread the word!!!
Veganrunnermommy says
Very true!! So many people don't realize how dangerous this is.
Julia Cretarolo says
Great tips!
ᒍᑌᒪIE KEYᗯOᖇTᕼ says
ITᔕ ᗩᒪᗯᗩYᔕ GOOᗪ TO ᗷE ᖇEᗰIᑎᗪEᗪ Oᖴ TᕼEᔕE! TᕼᗩᑎK YOᑌ! GᖇEᗩT ᗩᖇTIᑕᒪE!
Jamie L Glass says
This is a great resource for carseat info!
Brenda J says
We never wear our coats in the car, but we always have a blanket to keep our little warm!
Merideth M says
Great tips to keep babies safe!
Cori says
The purple one is so pretty!
Crystal Warnick says
This is very useful information that some of it even having my third kid I didn't know. Thanks for the info
Alycia Mundall says
Very good information. Living in AZ we really dont have to deal with this very much so it's always a good reminder of the do's and dont when it comes to these things.
Terri S. says
Recently, I was watching the news and they had a story on not putting your child in a thick, puffy winter coat and then harnessing him into a car seat. It showed a shocking video of a dummy being ejected from the car seat because the harness straps couldn't be snug enough because of the thick coat. It is great to see Diono's do's and don'ts list.
Tiffany Becker says
These are great tips that every parent should know!! I never knew this with my first child but now with my second, I was able to read up on it Thanks to you guys! Thanks so much for posting! I will be sure to share this with others! Thanks so much for the giveaway also!! This would be amazing since my youngest son can really use a new car seat!!
Christine DeLillo says
Thank you for the great tips!
Kira says
I love the information!!
George says
These are very good tips to know , i didnt know some of these ! Thanks .
Amanda Hunsaker says
I would love to win one of these seats for my daughter. Thank you for the opportunity!
Grace Kinney says
Luckily we're in Florida so on our coldest days, we can get away with just a light fleece sweater, but the cold weather tips are great for when we take trips!
Mel Mel says
Alot of these do and dont's I did but know. Great information, Thanks
Stephanie Nelson says
Great information to know and be refreshed on!
Sharon Doyle says
Great information to keep my kiddos safe.
Alesha W. says
Thank you for these great tips! There's so much you learn day to day becoming a parent!
Dana L says
So important! Great information.
Alexes Buchanan says
Great advice!
Jennifer Lincoln says
Thank u for the dos and don't. I take my granddaughter in my jeep and put her in her seat with her jacket and didn't know we shouldn't do that. Thanks for tje tip.
LeAnn says
We do a hat and a blanket.
Amanda F says
Great tips! Always best to keep our kids as safe as possible. 🙂
Stacy gray says
Less than 5 degrees here in Cleveland and my kids know to take their coats off in the car. In a couple minutes the heater has it toasty and no one is freezing to death.
Laura ashleigh Macleod says
Great tips. The car seat lady listed some safe coat options for the car but I'm weary. Ialways forget to backwards jacket
Ashley i says
Great tips to always habe on hand !
Melissa Mattson says
I repost this info all the time. We keep a blanket in each car to cover our child up with after we take off his coat.
Lacey E says
I'm so happy the awareness for car seat safety has increased. Two years ago with my first my family and friends could not understand why I refused to put my daughter in a big fluffy coat and insisted on blankets or putting a coat on backwards. I earned the name Carseat Nazi among my family until I converted my mom and more people became aware.
Alyssa Pratt says
There is nothing that bothers me more than when I see someone post a picture of their child buckled with a huge coat on. I usually find a nice way to tell them about car seat safety. Thanks for sharing these great dos and donts!
Charmayne smith says
Great tips!
Alicia C says
Another reason not to dress the child in a puffy coat is because they get so overheated in the seat. Great reminder about cast seat safety
Jennifer says
Don't forget to share these tips with other caregivers. I was surprised that my mom didn't know not to use a coat with the car seat.
Sara Barlow says
I didn't know this stuff until I was pregnant with my baby.
Jessica strickland says
Great tips!
Sabrina Conery says
I live in Maine. It is very possible to follow these safety rules in very cold weather. It's not worth chancing their life in an accident vs being cold for a couple minutes.
Sandi Weyl says
I always use light jackets and blankets now instead of puffy winter coats. I didn't know better with our first when she was younger. Now she and our younger one have blankets waiting in the car and we put them in fleece jacket and layers underneath.
Yvonne carnegie says
Great article. Wish people would pay attention to this!
Rebecca Woodin says
Love this! Will be sharing on my FB!
Kayla says
Great article with great tips. Love the awareness of carseat safety!
Abby LaValley says
Very useful info and very important!
Kaila Klepsch says
Great tips to share especially for us to share with grandparents who never follow these rules!!!!:)
Cheyanne Bumps says
These are great tips! I wish more parents would take car seat safety more serious!
Erika B. says
Thanks for the safety tips! Living in a Chicago suburb, it sure can get cold. My number one priority is keeping my daughter safe!
Beatriz Barclay says
Really great tips. I'll be passing along to friends who need reminders.
Julie Holland Sizemors says
We love Diono seats. Car seat safety is a huge concern for us so we are super careful with costs. Even here in cold Utah we manage to keep the kids warms and safe.
Julie Holland Sizemors says
We love Diono seats. Car seat safety is a huge concern for us so we are super careful with coats. Even here in cold Utah we manage to keep the kids warm and safe.
Michelle Franklin says
Such good tips! I cringe everytime I see someone use their carseat improperly!
Tara Kosing says
Great tips!
Judith Allen says
being in Az we dont use many heavy coats, but its nice to know if we go to a cold Weather climit area.
Corrie says
Great article!
Alison hughes says
These are so important! !
HollyJ says
These are all great safety tips!
Amanda P says
I love that more people are aware of the do's and don'ts. I get all kinds of crazy looks when people see me going to or from my car with my kids in lightweight jackets. I have blankets in the car for them to put over the top once they are buckled
Dale says
Love this post - it's funny all the things you learn when you become a parent (and all the things people don't tell you about!)
Kimberly Vance says
As I look out my window at all the snow I'm glad you are informing parents to take off the big coats in the car seats! Fleece jackets are thin and ok for car seats as well as ponchos!
Dawn says
I have 6 kids my kids always wore coats. We didnt have the bulky puffy ones. I just adjusted the buckles.
Laura T says
Excellent information! Thank you!!
Carrie says
Blankets always!
Emilie Bureau says
Good to know!
Kama Stone says
Thanks for keeping our littles safe and spreading the news 🙂
Nicole says
Love the idea of warming the blanket in the dryer, -25 here in MN today!
Larissa Higgs says
Love this. Unfortunately not enough people know this.
Mom of 4 says
Great information! Thank you
Dottie Stone says
Great reminders! Thank you!
Samyra says
Being in subzero temperature mqkes it very difficult not to use snowsuits, eveb adults wear them when needed. Perhap placing blankets in the dryer before getting in the car will provide enough warmth
Nicole King says
Thanks for helpful hints!
Debashree Mukherjee says
Great tips, thanks for sharing, now my 1 year old daughter will be safe in the car.
Lisa Garland says
I never knew about not putting your child in heavy winter coats! Thanks for the information, I will use this for my new grandchild in July!
heather walborn says
We always try to post reminds to some of these tips every winter season on our social media. Many parents don't know that puffy jackets & car seats DON'T mix!!
Kathy Tracey says
I love all these tips. I have learned a lot. I have made some of these mistakes. I never knew that you should never put a child in a car seat with there coat on. I'm glad I found out . Please enter me.
Chelsea Alsop says
Love this article! I wish I could get every single person to read it. I am crazy about carseat safety. It took a while to get this one through to my husband but he now asks when buckling in our daughter if the jacket she is wearing is carseat safe 🙂
cherie b says
Good reminders for winter time and car seat safety
Christina says
Good to know.
christine heiss says
All great tips to follow. We have stuck with these "rules" since our first child and continue to do so with our youngest.
Cindy Kong says
This is really good to know. I never know what to do when we are at a place that's really cold and we are required to wear heavy coats. thanks.
Bridget masesie says
The diono car seat looks amazingly comfortable, and very safe for our precious babies.
Julie L. says
I had never heard of a warming boot before. That sounds like a great invention to warm a seat up before you put your child in the car seat.
Uriel E. says
Thank you for all the great tips. More parents need to know about these!
Kristin F says
Great article with important tips!
Molly says
Great tips
Mollyj89 says
Great tips so helpful
ChristyHomeMom says
Scrolling to the bottom of this post to comment on my phone was some work!
Great post and giveaway 🙂
Aleesha says
Thanks for the awesome tips
Hillary Smiley says
Great tips and visual!
Courtney Butler says
Great info! Ive never buckled our little ones bundled up because we live so far south and they tend to get too hot in their seats anyway, but I can see where that could be a major danger where the climate is colder.
Laura Bowman says
Thanks for all these great tips on safety! We can never know too much about keeping our sweeties safe 😉
Sandy says
I always thought putting your child in a heavy jacket in winter and putting them in their carseat was bad I always give my kids thin jackets and blankets in the car until we get out then the heavy jackets ♡♡
Krista Perritt says
I love spreading car seat safety awareness! We live in Florida so we don't even have bulky winter coats but this was a great article
Kristi Theus Whitaker says
Great tips!!! I make a fleece cover for baby carriers like tula's and beco's. We also use it for a stroller and carseat blanket. Works great and goes over baby and straps so no risk involved.
Ashley says
Very good info! We skipped the winter coat purchase all together for our now 10 month old and cover him in a blanket in the car instead! We live in Virginia where the weathers are quite mild though- not sure what we would do in a colder climate!
Jennifer Adams says
Great info!
Danielle Machado says
I only put my daughter's coat on her when we'll be outside for more than a couple of minutes. But straight to the car and straight to the door, nah. It's a lot of trouble to get her coat on her and she ends up standing outside longer than if we just skip the coat and walk in.
Tricia says
I made a poncho for my baby so there are no coats under the straps! She is nice and tight.
Valerie hall says
These are great tips thank you
Chris says
great advice and info. We didn't know about the coats being unsafe for awhile with our older girls.
Erica Dryden McKeel says
Great info, I forgot my daughter's infant seat came with a warming boot. I'll be getting it back out for her today to help keep her warm and safe.
Brandy Wilson says
Winter is so hard in Chicago! It's so cold and yet, no jackets. My kids are getting used to be cold. 🙂
Betsy Williams says
This is great info for new parents! We live in Maine (and luckily have an attached garage) and always keep a couple of extra blankets in the the car to cover the little one both in the car and for walking into our destination.
Katie S. says
Very good information... Thankfully I live in a warmer climate so we don't use winter coats very much but still good to know.
Brittany T. says
Great tips!!!!! Thank you
Amanda Sweet says
I love how well received this article seems to be, and I hope this information is spread to those that need it. It breaks my heart to see kiddos getting into car seats improperly dressed.
Carissa joslyn says
It took me a few years to get it through to my parents that they aren't to put bulky clothes on the kids while they're in the car. it was -30 yesterday and they didnt! My kids do have a snuggy, or a blanket in the car to throw over them if its going to take a bit for the car to warm up.
Sarah Lanse says
My daughter wears a light hoodie in the car. We keep her heavy coat at day care so she can play outside.
Heather Plouse says
Always try to share with anyone who has littles.
Elaina Asher says
Such great info! Thank you!
Shannon Marquis says
What great info!
Christian Peachey-Travis says
If it weren't for educating ourselves on the importance of not putting our kids in coats in car seats, we wouldn't know not to wear them in the car as adults
Kim Ayers says
Good tips
crissy cooper says
I have never heard of a "warming boot" and will certainly look into this before my little one is born!
Jennifer Somers says
Awesome tips!
Cindy says
Awesome post 🙂
Rachele W. says
Awesome tips...very easy to follow list of Do's & Don'ts!!!
Alice Kendrick says
Thank you for the great tips, I love sharing them!
Jessica Ann says
So we know a lot of people ignore these rules, I don't know why, but they do. So why not put crash dummies in winter coats and find out exactly what happens?
gloria patterson says
At 66 i needed the tips! What has been learned over the years is just so hard to believe
Shayna Ruth says
It took me a while to convince my husband that the snow suit is not appropriate to wear in the carseat. I finally convinced him after showing him a video on YouTube. Thank goodness.
Sarah says
I take off their coats because otherwise they will get overheated while we drive. Good to know that it's safer too!
Sara Bowman says
Great article
Lisa Dorsett says
These are important tips that should be followed at all times. Thanks for providing the tips and info!! Very informative!! 🙂
Elenora V says
Great reminder about safety tips for cold weather.
Rikki says
I wish I would have known all this with my oldest.
Ashley Welch says
Great tips!!!
Kathryn c. says
I'm going to share this! So great to have all these tips in one place!
Megan whitman says
Very informative post.
Amanda says
Such valuable and often unintentionally overlooked information!!!
Donnababy01 says
Don't over bundle your child
Amy Vogelsong Torres says
It took forever to get through my husband's head why not to put her in the car seat in a coat. I ended up getting her these fleece rompers suits to use instead of a coat that are car seat safe.
Danielle Ferguson says
Great information! I will share and hopefully others will learn how unsafe winter jackets are in the carseat.
Jami Arias says
Thank you for this info and these infographics!
Lesley McKissick says
I used to shove the kids in their car seats with their coats on and I figured they were warm and safe. Luckily, I saw not to do that before anything bad happened. Now we put our coats on, get in the car, take them off, get buckled up and put a warm fuzzy blanket on over it all! They don't seem to care about the 2 seconds of slightly cold they get and I'm much more happier knowing they are safe now!
Anya Rawks says
Great tips! Luckily we currently live in FL so no coats necessary really. But I even keep the kids in cool clothes because even if it is cold outside, it can get warm in the car.
Sandra Watts says
These are good tips and lots of great information. Thanks for sharing it.
Amber Powers says
A lot of useful information!
Christina Jones says
This is some great information! Thank you for continuing to share it to keep all the baby's safe!
Taryn Dunn says
My daughter is 3.5 yrs and we have always taken off her coat. She has never gotten sick and she is used to it at this point. She understands why she cant wear it too and tells other people they shouldnt lol
Virginia Sedore says
I didn't know these tips for my oldest, but I've been following then with my 20 month old daughter and will do so when my son gets here!
Carrie Hernandez says
Great article, thank you.
Beth Boswell says
Great tips.
Marissa A says
I JUST started taking my daughters coat off in her car seat and it makes me feel so much better about her safety. Thankful for this information.
Melissa Nelson says
Good tips!
Destini Boxall says
These are great tips! I'm a CPST and still love being reminded of the do's and don'ts.
Angela Mason says
Great Tips! I thank you kindly for the review, have a great day!
Shiri says
So much useful information for a new mom!
Maria says
I am glad that you are sharing this information. Car seats and car seat safety give me anxiety. I want my little ones to be as safe as possible on the unpredictable roads and any information is appreciated. Thank you for your time and hard work getting this information out there.
Quincy Gregory says
Awesome tips! So many don't realize that the bulky coats aren't safe.
Bri Sherman says
We had a nice warm cover for our infant car seat that worked perfect for carrying her back and forth. I think she was warmer than we ever were. 😉
Ashley B. says
Excellent tips!!! We dont have a lot of really cold weather but these are perfect things to remember!!
tracee says
I've never really thought about how a jacket affects the fit of the harness, but it makes a lot of sense.
Laura says
Great information! Safety is so important. Thank you for sharing!
Anne N. says
We live in Wisconsin and it gets super cold here in winter months. Although I only put lightweight jackets on my 2 boys when they're in their car seats. I'm currently using the Diono RXT for my 2 year old an would like to win one for my 9 month old. we love Diono!!
Danielle Lovejoy says
This is important information for all parents and caregivers!
barnolds barnes says
Thanks for the reminder. It's totally important to know you can't have a big coat on your kid.
America Salyers says
This is such a great reminder! I am always fighting the dirty looks when I carry my little guy out into the cold wearing a thin fleece jacket and a blanket. I just want to scream, "Coats and car seats are a no no!!!"
Sam Matherly says
Thanks for the easy guide!
Molly Conetta says
It's scary how common car seat mistakes can hold such a terrible consequence!
Betsie Caban says
Thank you, awesome info
polly says
Some tips I hadn't even thought of...thanks for sharing import for all parents & grandparents to know & follow!
Gina Hiskes says
YES! This is a pet peeve of mine. Maybe we're spoiled with an attached garage but my kids even know to grab their blankets and fleeces and put their puffy coats in their laps.
Kristi Cartwright says
Love this! Will be sharing. Wish it was handed out to parents as they leave the hospital and posted in every doctors office--spread the knowledge! When you know betterm you do better!
Kara Marks says
These are great tips and photos--thanks for the reminders.
mary walters says
Good tips. Thankfully living in LA it doesnt really get too cold so we really dont need heavy jackets.
Tarah says
I feel like parents need to realize they aren't immune to accidents happening & the things that could happen if they don't take the proper steps to protect their children! This needs to be handed out to every parent, every year!
Michelle Elizondo says
I agree!
Gloria Luongo says
Helpful hints for traveling with my grandson. Thank you.
Shannon P says
I am still so surprised when I see a picture of a child with a winter jacket on in their carseat. It just seems like this has been published so many times but I guess that's why we never stop educating people. I wish pediatricians would make sure they tell their first time parents about this.
Ann Milligan says
This is all really good info. Thank you for spreading the word and saving lives.
Lindsey says
Car seat safety is so important! I hate when people try and use the argument "well we did it this way and we survived." The thing is, when you know better, you do better!
Paula Adams says
Really good tips for child safety. We also need reminding 'between kids' because technology changes and we forget!
Heather says
Great info!
Jennie says
I agree wholeheartedly. I'm happy to see blog posts like this; it makes it easier to get the word out and keep as many kids safe as possible. Thank you for writing about such an important topic!
Heather D says
Good to re-read the info again! a good reminder!
Penni says
Such important tips for every parent to know! Heavy winter coats and car seats DO NOT go together!
Linda Mannst says
These are great do's and dont's. Our children safety is so important. I learned alot from this article. Thank you so much for sharing
Patricia Swiecichowski says
I'm glad you put all this information out for us. I knew about some of the dose & donts, but not all.
Danielle F says
These are really important to know! I see so many babies buckled improperly! Thanks for getting the word out!
Lee dixon says
Ithis is perfect for someone who needs to read about this for safety and learning more on how to care for in the cold!
Rebecca F says
I love the idea of warming a blanket in the dryer to tuck around baby! I will definitely remember that one!
Maria Torsney says
Car seat safety is so important!
Carissa says
Good tips to remember.
Rae Ellen says
It's so hard to get your older child to understand that they need to take their coat off to get in their seat! But He does enjoy it being faced backwards so he can bury his head in the hood! Too funny to see in my rearview mirror!
Angela Hendricks says
I didn't know you couldn't put your child in a thick winter coat in their car seat! I feel horrible because I have been doing this all winter long! So grateful and thankful that I have not been in accident. I will def. not be putting my daughter in a car seat with her thick coat from now on. Thank you for posting this!
gloria patterson says
thanks for the great information as a aunt I am not always up to date
Wendy c g says
Thanks for sharing, we don't leave coats on. We rarely need them in California.
Tiffany M. R. says
I always do a thin fleece and then a blanket after they are buckled in. They love having a blanket in the car!
Tiffany Dover says
This is THE PERFECT article! It needs to be shared and shared some more! Everyone should be educated in this!
Liz cook says
I never knew this with my first child. Follow these now, thanks to sites like this!
Mandie says
We don't have to.use heavy coats too often here but such good information to have!
Kimberlee Clement says
Thank you for writing such an informative post! I know lots of parents don't know that their little shouldn't wear a heavy coat while in their car seat!
Nicole ortiz says
Great information to know.
Barbara Brooks says
Great safety instructions. I worked in an ER and saw what happens when children are not properly secured. Most state patrol in our state inspect for free if your seat is in secure. And they have also explained not to put chil in bulky coats for same. They have seen too much also. Thanks for educating the public.
Lori says
Great info especially since it's snowing!
Amber Stovall says
This is such great information to know. When my son was born I had no clue about car seats and had to do so much researching and I am still learning new stuff all the time.
Heidi Daily says
Great tips! I made fleece ponchos for my kids so they can wear a jacket underneath that is safe to wear in their car seats and then the poncho helps to keep them warm, and they are fun prints that they got to choose so they love them!
Brandi Thornton says
Great article! Definitely should be shared with the grandparents, my and my husbands parents had no clue that coats shouldn't be worn in the car seat.
Sarah says
We always take coats off the littles who are in harnesses...danger games!
Tiffany Hutto says
I am so glad there are articles like this out there to help and remind us moms and dads
Betty Barnhart Lockhart says
thank you for sharing this information
Anna says
Thanks for the info!
Lynne K says
I always tucked a blanket around our girls after they were buckled in.
Jamie Bernier says
Thank you for sharing this valuable information I hope everyone reads this!!!
laurali graham says
Awesome tips to know thank you.
Stacy gray says
My kids never wore coats in the car as babies and take them off still now. The car is toastier than our house so there is no need to keep a coat on anyway.
Sheryl Holden says
I worry about kids staying warm in an accident with just a blanket or trying to get a coat on quickly
gale mccarron says
Great tips for keeping baby safe in the carseat. I'll be sure to pass it along. Thanks!
Tiffany Westmoreland says
Such great information!
Lesley F says
These are some great tips to remember
Amanda Jordan says
Amazing tips. I love sharing posts like this and seeing new moms taking the advice.
Lauryn R says
These are all great car seat tips! I am very passionate about car seat safety as well and love seeing awareness posts like this! 🙂
Carrie says
Carrie says
Great info! Thanks!
Anel says
I was t aware of the danger of putting kids in the car seat with coats, until after I got pregnant. It seems to be something that is not widely known! Thanks for sharing!
Kristyn A says
Such important safety information that so few seem to know about. I hope this post makes it around to those who can learn from it 🙂
molly abler says
thank you for bringing it to my attention that i shouldn't put mu baby in the car seat with a thick coat.
Nikki Strong says
I always keep a blanket in the car for my baby to cover up with.
Lisa W says
Thanks for sharing these tips on how to keep a baby safe in a carseat in the winter time! 🙂
Arianne Hargrove says
Wow really great tips that will help me out during cold weather months. Thank you
Jodi Armstrong says
carseat safety is so tricky up north. especially when loading up into a freezing cold car, u have them all bundled for outside then have to get everything off into the seat and cover with blankets and other warmness. figuring out what works for you is key- while keeping your little one safe.
Jerry Marquardt says
This is a nice and huigh quality car seat. I thank you so much for the great review.
Emily Mahr says
Great tips. We do not put out little one in the car seat with a winter coat on. I wish they would start testing the crash dummies with winter coats.
Jennifer says
I work as a nurse and we are constantly educating parents on car seat safety. These are great tips!
Lily Kwan says
These car seats and coats tips are very helpful. Thanks for sharing!
Sarah Elyce says
Love the info-graphic and article. Great information that people need to see. Thanks!